The letter Yud is the 10th letter of the Hebrew alphabet. It is the smallest letter, yet it represents the highest essence.
Yud is the first letter in the name of God, YHVH, associated with the partsuf Abba and the sefirah Chochmah, within the world of Emanation.
Chokhmah means “Wisdom” and is an anagram of “Koach Ma” (“The Power of Ma”, Ma being the lower world). The Yud resembles a seed, a primal idea that will make its way to the sefirah Malchout.
כח מה
The letter Yud corresponds to the sound “i.”
In Chinese, Yī (一) means “One”.
Yì (易) means “Change** or “Transformation” (as in “Yi Jing”).
“Yì” (艺) signifies “Art” or “Talent”.
“Yì” (意) means “Intention”, with the ideogram formed around the “Heart” (at the base).
Yi: practicing the Art of Transformation with the Intention to become One.
“Yì” (意) can be translated as “Intention”, “Thought”, “Mind”, “Consciousness”, or “Anticipation”—that is, the intention, thought (“Chokhmah”, world of “Atzilut”, Abba) preceding Creation (world of “Beriah”).
“Yi Dao Qi Dao” (意到汽到): Yi precedes Qi. Without Yi, there is no Qi. Such is the essence of Dao.
“Yì” (艺) etymologically means “Planting” or “Cultivating”. The letter “Yud” is similarly likened to a drop, a seed.
The smallest letter, begins the name of God. And it is Yi, the “small inner voice,” that brings beauty to things. It is a Drop of Divine Light.
“Yì” (意) is derived from 諳 (“Thinking”), with 心 (“Heart,” “Mind”) replacing 言 (“Speech,” “Sound”). Yi, therefore, conveys sounds (音) from what is within the heart, the mind (心).
Yi enables the Sound of the Heart to be expressed.
On est deux
Aime Être
Paire = Se voir
According to the anonymous author of “Shaarei Tsedek,” a student of Abraham Abulafia, Man is the last of all created entities and is thus represented by the letter Yud, which is 10, considered the last primary number. “He is the Yud in this world, endowed with the power of the whole, encompassing all, like the Yud within the realm of the sefirot. Understand that there is no discernible difference between this Yud and that Yud, except in the finest nuance, from a spiritual perspective, and that the letter Yud has a full gematria of the other Yud (note: Yud’s full gematria is 20 = Yud (10) + Vav (6) + Dalet (4)).
This is the secret of the verse ‘You shall cling to Him,’ the attachment of Yud to Yud, to complete the circle.”
Gematria of the name of God YHVH = 26
The name of God YHVH can also be found within the letter Aleph, the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet. The letter Aleph is composed of two Yuds, two points, joined by the letter Vav.
These two Yuds represent the upper and lower worlds, masculine and feminine dimensions, Heaven and Earth.
Yud + Yud + Vav
= 10 + 10 + 6
= 26
In Chinese philosophy, Yin and Yang symbolize the phenomena of life and the cosmos—different components of a duality, generally opposing yet complementary. The two Yuds, like Yin and Yang, exist only in relation to each other.