The gematria of God’s name, YHVH, is 26:
And the name YHVH is embedded within the structure of the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet: Aleph.

The letter Aleph is formed by two Yuds connected by the letter Vav:
Yud + Yud + Vav
= 10 + 10 + 6
= 26
One Yud represents our world, the lower world; the other Yud, the upper world. During exile, when the upper and lower worlds are disconnected, Aleph becomes an “alien.”

The full spelling of Aleph corresponds to the name Alf, an acronym for Alien Life Form.
During exile, Divine Unity seems “extraterrestrial,” foreign to Earth. Yet, every individual and every family must invite the One, the Aleph, into their home, regardless of societal judgments, the “men in black”, or the risks of defying worldly laws.
All is Aleph. All is One, though hidden.

The Hebrew word for “Extraterrestrial” is “Chayzar”:
Within “Chayzar” lie the words “Chayay” (“My life”) + “Raz” (“Secret”):
חיי רז
“Light” (“Or” אור), “Secret” (“Raz” רז), and “Stranger” (“Zar” זר) share the same gematria: 207.
To both receive Light and illuminate the world, one must open themselves to the stranger, the different, even the radically different. When this openness occurs, the world will hold no more secrets.
We will then be able to build a Temple, a home for the One.

“Iti” means “With me” in Hebrew:

#Aleph #One #Home