In the Talmud, it is written that God initially created man with a tail before removing it… to create the woman (see Eruvin 18a).

“Clitoris” is called “Dagdegan” in Hebrew.
Gematria = 64
= the gematria of Adam (45) + Eve (“Chava”, 19):
אדם + חוה
The word “Clitoris” comes from the Ancient Greek “Kleitorís” (κλειτορίς), meaning “Key”.
#Tail #MonKey #G #KeyToUnderstanding
Gematria of God’s Name YHVH = 26
We find the name YHVH in the letter Aleph, the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
The letter Aleph is formed by two Yuds (two points) connected by a Vav:
Yud + Yud + Vav
= 10 + 10 + 6
= 26
The Yud above (the male sex) must unite with the Yud below (the clitoris) to form the letter Aleph, the One.
Without the woman, a man is not truly a Man.
#SaintJe #EvoluSion