When we become One with God, we draw the light of His presence: the light of the Shekhina. Our eyes are opened.

#EyeÂme #DYeux
People have a halo of light, an aura, surrounding their head and body, more or less radiant depending on the individual.
Beyond this halo of light, some people have a kind of column of light above their heads, of varying size.
While the concept of an aura is widely recognized worldwide today, the notion of a column of light is less familiar but increasingly visible.
For some, this column can be seen reaching up to the heavens, as written in the Zohar:
“A column of light stands between heaven and earth, resting upon the heads of the righteous who walk in the ways of the Torah.” (Zohar I 88b)
Indeed, one can often observe this column of light above the heads of many Orthodox Jews who study Torah and perform mitzvot. However, this does not mean Orthodox Judaism holds the absolute truth.
“The light of the Shekhina surrounded Adam in the Garden of Eden, and this divine light accompanies the children of Israel when they follow the commandments.” (Pirkei DeRabbi Eliezer, Chapter 4)
The Light of the Shekhina emanates from within, from the heart. One may perform seemingly trivial rituals, as in Orthodox Judaism, yet possess a pure intention—something true for many.
This light is often absent in prominent religious leaders or famous rabbis.
The true Torah is the New Torah, and it is inclusive. The Shekhina’s light can be seen among people of all cultures and religions. One cannot deceive truth, and as Salvation approaches, this becomes increasingly apparent through the New Torah that opens our eyes.
“Aura” is expressed in Hebrew as “Hila”.
Classic gematria = 50 (the 50 Gates of Bina)
Gematria AlBam (Abba / Chokhmah) = 441
= “Emet” (“Truth”)
“When a man is pure in his actions and thoughts, the light of the Shekhina appears above him, radiating like an eternal flame.” (Zohar I, 98a)
“Or” means “Light” in Hebrew, and “Orah” means “Her Light.”
Ordinal gematria = 32
= ordinal gematria of “Hila” (“Aura”)
= gematria of “Lev” (“Heart”)
The Light of the Shekhina reveals the heart, the deepest interiority.
What one is, one “will have” (“aura” in French).