“All in One” is expressed in Hebrew as “HaKol BeE’had”
הכל באחד
Gematria AtBash (inverse values, corresponding to the sefira Bina) = 1000 (“Eleph”), which is written the same way as “Aleph” (“One”).
#AllInOne #ComprehenSion
The Torah is said to have 70 “facets” (cf. Midrash Rabba – Numbers 13:15). Yet, the Torah is One.
“HaKol BeE’had” (“All in One”)
הכל באחד
Classic gematria = 70
= gematria of “Sod” (“Secret”)

#AllInOne #KolInOne
The number 70 also represents the Nations (“Goyim”) according to Jewish tradition.
All Nations exist within us. They symbolize different facets of our mind. The Final Redemption—the Salvation of Humanity—is achieved when they find peace.
Un, car Nations.
