“Quantum” is a Latin form meaning “How much,” corresponding in physics to an indivisible quantity (plural: “Quanta”).
Gematria = 217
= gematria of “Ori” (“My Light”)
The letter Heh at the beginning of a word corresponds to the definite article.
The fourth letter of God’s name YHVH, Heh, represents the Shechinah.
When Heh is placed at the start of a word, its numerical value reflects its inner essence.
“HaQuantum” (“The Quantum”)
Gematria = 222
= gematria of “Kol Elohim” (“Voice of Elohim”)
קול אלהים
“Indeed, inquire now regarding the early days that preceded you, from the day when God created man on the earth, and from one end of the heavens to the other end of the heavens, has there been anything like this great thing or has the like been heard? Has a people ever heard the voice of God speaking from the midst of the fire, as you have heard, and lived?” (Deuteronomy 4:32-33)
The French preposition “Quant à” (“As for”) indicates a shift in the object or subject of the ongoing conversation.
#Quanta #Toi