
The Torah is called “Oz,” meaning “Strength” or “Power” in Hebrew. 

It’s a nice concept. However, at the end of the story, we discover that the Wizard of Oz is simply an impostor—a mere man without true power, using tricks to appear impressive.

The story of the Wizard of Oz is an initiation journey: the Divine (the Force, not of the dark side, but Life, Truth, Infinite Love…) is not found outside in what appears powerful, but within each of us. This is what each main character learns.

The Divine Word is a small voice, the voice of a young girl, like Dorothy Gale, the heroine of the Wizard of Oz. 
The root “Gal” (Gimel + Lamed) corresponds to Revelation (“Guilouy”). 

In 1928, public libraries in America censored The Wizard of Oz, claiming it “portrays strong female characters in leadership roles”. This inner voice, the voice of the Shechina, has always been within us. However, it calls for action, courage, going against the current to reveal the feminine aspect of the Divine, which is in exile and persecuted.

The “Wizard of Oz”, the false god of the Torah of exile, is menacing, jealous, proud, self-centered. He seeks to enslave people to his commands. He orders invasions, killing… But why?

Because God shuns glory, so humble that He veils Himself, appearing as a desert troll, a truly jealous and manipulative monster, not very kind to His people—a sort of mafia Godfather.

God hides behind a devilish mask, encouraging not monotheism but monolatry. This figure is the one God asks us to battle. Yes, the task of each of us in this world is to refine, purify God. Humanity should not merely pray but act: it is God who prays to humanity to act.

Originally, YHVH was a god of the South, coming from Midian, eastern Sinai, Edom, northern Arabia. 

“The Lord appeared from Mount Sinai, shining on Seir for them! He revealed Himself from Mount Paran…” (Deuteronomy 33:2)

“Lord! When you came out of Seir, when you advanced from the region of Edom, the earth trembled, the heavens melted, and the clouds turned to water.” (Judges 5:4)

“The Lord came from Teman; the Holy One from Mount Paran, Selah! His splendor covers the heavens, and His glory fills the earth.” (Habakkuk 3:3)

YHVH is a god of storms, thunder, a god of arid lands—a warrior god, tribal in nature. He came from a region crossed by many caravans of merchants. YHVH also came from the land of the Shasu. It was a place where many groups clashed with Egyptian authorities before gaining independence at the end of the Bronze Age, the time when YHVH first appeared.

The Canaanites, ancestors of the Jews, worshipped the god EL, a benevolent sky god often depicted as a wise, bearded old man. They also worshipped Baal, but gradually adopted the worship of YHVH, who eventually replaced Baal, now seen as an enemy due to his similarity to YHVH.

This drawing, found at Kuntillet Ajrud in northeastern Sinai and made about 3000 years ago, depicts YHVH, Baal, and Asherah according to the inscriptions. These people were not gifted artists—what a horror! It’s easy to understand the biblical prohibition of any representation of YHVH.

YHVH was not originally the universally benevolent God conveyed by major monotheistic religions. For followers of these religions to stop fighting each other, they must realize their holy books are simply fables, myths.

Jews should recognize they know YHVH thanks to the Arabs. Christians should realize they know the Messiah concept thanks to the Jews. Muslims, in turn, should realize they know Muhammad thanks to the Christians. The Quran is a fable written long after the death of a figure portrayed as a prophet-warrior, who was, above all, a kind of Christian priest, a Nazarene.

For centuries, antisemites accused Jews of “Satanism”. Yet, in reality, the Jews are the most persecuted in this story—by both the forces below and the forces above.

“Israel” means “One Who Struggles with God”:
“Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel, because you have struggled with celestial and human powers and remained strong.” (Genesis 32:29)

The Torah is called Oz. Because truth can be painful. Because the true Torah is acquired by fighting oppressive forces, including this “YHVH.”

We must leave Egypt, the world of illusion, to reach Is Real.

“There was evening and there was morning”—everything begins in darkness, and each person’s task is to transform this darkness into Light, to transform YHVH, the brutal desert god, into a Universal God. Rudra becoming Shiva is another example of humanity’s work in refining their vision of the Divine.

God is the source of all the world’s evil, which He created by Tsimtsum (withdrawing Himself), which is, when you think about it, the most terrible thing imaginable.

“In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth.” (Genesis 1:1) 
בראשית ברא אלהים את השמים ואת הארץ 
The ordinal gematria of the verse = 329 
= gematria of “Demiurgos” (“Demiurge,” the “Creator of the Universe”) 

God is humble. He does not want to be idolized. He is so humble that He disguises Himself as YHVH—as the Wizard of Oz, the desert troll, the devil, the mafia godfather, and even a donkey.

It is said that the Messiah will come “on a donkey.” The donkey represents matter (“Chomer” in Hebrew, the same root as “Chamor,” Donkey), matter that each person must refine, revealing the spiritual in the material world…

YHVH is a storm god, and storms mean clouds. According to the Talmud (Sanhedrin 98a), the Messiah will come either on an “Âne” (“Donkey” in French) or on a “Anane” (“Cloud” in Hebrew).

According to ancient stories, Jews worshipped a donkey in secret within the Temple. For instance:

“For Apion dared to say that in this sanctuary, the Jews had erected the head of a donkey (asini caput) and worshiped this animal, considering it worthy of the highest worship. He claims that this was revealed when Antiochus Epiphanes pillaged the temple and discovered this head, made of gold and worth a considerable sum of money.” (Flavius Josephus, Against Apion)

We don’t know if this was true, as there were already many antisemites back then who could have spread such rumors.

Yet there is some truth in it. After all, God hides in matter…

#Yahoo #Search

In ancient Egypt, the donkey represented the god Seth, the god of foreigners, the desert, storms, bloodthirsty and violent. Given the stories of the Exodus, it’s understandable that they associated him with the god of the Hebrews.
Seth was the god of the Hyksos, whose history likely inspired certain biblical stories and characters.


Seth is associated with Typhon, Cronos, Satan, but also with Saturn (“Shabbtai” in Hebrew), a planet associated with the Jews. Plutarch and Tacitus wrote that Typhon founded Jerusalem and Judea. The false messiah Shabbetai Tzvi succeeded because, according to some traditions, the Messiah would be linked to Saturn (see Moshe Idel’s book Saturn’s Jews: On the Witches’ Sabbat and Sabbateanism). It’s a planet tied to hidden things. In the Middle Ages, “witches” were accused of going to the “sabbat”…

#OZzy #BlackSabbath

The name of God YHVH was pronounced “Yao” (ΙΑΩ) by the Greeks, and it resembled the bray of a donkey. Moreover, “Yao” meant “Donkey” in Egyptian.

The donkey bears a cross on its back.

The donkey also appears in the first known depiction of the false messiah Jesus (the Alexamenos Graffito). Interestingly, the English word “Ass” means both “Donkey” and “Buttocks.” Here’s your god, fool!


YHVH is “Y’avait” (“There Was” in French) —the verb “To Have” in the past tense.

Who is God? He is not “Y’avait”; He is above all “Ehyeh”: “I Will Be.”


“Moses said to God, ‘When I come to the children of Israel and say to them, “The God of your fathers sent me to you,” and they say to me, “What is His name?” what shall I say to them?’ God answered Moses, ‘I Will Be Who I Will Be’ (EHYEH ASHER EHYEH).” (Exodus 3:13-14)

God will be what He will be. He is within us. It is up to us to reveal the verb “To Be.” God is within us and will be what we make of Him.

“Ose !” (“Dare” in French)



Niels Bohr, a Danish physicist, published a series of three articles in 1913 that introduced the atomic model, a fundamental step toward developing quantum mechanics.

Bohr asserted that the physical characteristics of a quantum particle cannot be predetermined. Einstein closely followed Bohr and the Copenhagen school’s work, but as the father of general relativity, he struggled with this idea.

“God does not play dice!” Einstein famously retorted to Bohr in one of their debates. Bohr reportedly responded, “But who are you, Albert Einstein, to tell God what to do?”

Although their views diverged, the two men deeply respected one another.

Gematria ordinal = 33 
= gematria of the root “Gal”, linked to Revelation 

“Bohr” is also an anagram of “HaBor”, meaning “The Abyss,” “The Pit,” or “The Well.” 

“The opposite of a correct statement is a false one. But the opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth”. — Niels Bohr

The Divine can be found even, or especially, when one is “at the edge of the abyss” or “at rock bottom”.

“Even if you think you have distanced yourself so much from God that it’s impossible to draw near to Him, you can still find Divinity even where you have fallen.” — Rabbi Nachman of Breslov

In Hebrew, “Bohr” corresponds to the word “Bor” (“Pit,” “Well”) with an added letter Heh.
The letter Heh is the second (sefira Binah, the Mother) and fourth (Malchut, the Daughter) letter of God’s Name YHVH. 
It embodies the feminine dimension, the inner realm. It’s also the fifth letter in the alphabet, symbolizing quintessence: the distilled essence and purity of something.

“Quintessence” in Hebrew is “Tamtsit”
Gematria = 940 
= gematria of “Lihiot o lo lihiot” (“To be or not to be”) 
להיות או לא להיות 
= full gematria of “Bohr” 
בית וו הא ריש 

Niels Bohr helped establish CERN, the European Center for Nuclear Research, echoing the biblical Hebrew word “Keren” (“Horn”), which also resembles “Karan” (“Radiant”). 

“Contraria sunt complementa” (“Opposites are complementary”), Bohr’s motto.

By adding the Aleph, the One, to “Bor”, we obtain “BeOr” (“In the Light”). 

When we add the sound of the letter Yod to the word “Hole” in English, it transforms into “Holy”.

What is “True” lies hidden in the “Trou” (“Hole” in French).

Light emerges from darkness. It rises from the abyss. To find it, we must dig deep.


Bowling and the Tetractys

The tetractys is a triangular figure composed of 10 points arranged in four rows: 1, 2, 3, and 4 points.

“Tetractys” (τετρακτύς) means “Fourfold Ray of Light” in Greek. Within it, we find the “Holy Name of 4 Letters”, as the Pythagoreans say, corresponding to the 4 elements, and so on. 
4 like the 4 letters of the Divine Name YHVH 

10 is also the number of sefirot. 

Everything is in the tetractys.

Gematria = 397 
The first word in the Bible with a gematria of 397 is “HaShevii” (“The Seventh”) 

The Trickster hides within the Tetractys: God is One, Four, Seven, Ten… God also enjoys a game of bowling.

“Triangle” is called “Meshulash” in Hebrew. 
Gematria = 676 
= 26 x 26 
יהוה x יהוה 

The triangle is also a divine symbol, and we find this tetractys triangle represented in bowling and its 10 pins.

The bowling ball itself has 3 holes arranged in a triangle.

At the time of Humanity’s Salvation, this friendly sport—played with family and friends—will regain all its dignity. Mashiach, in fact, is a bowling champion.

A bowling lane is made up of 39 wooden boards marked with 7 arrows. 
“YHVH Echad” (“God is One”) 
יהוה אחד 
Gematria = 39 

The Malchut in exile is “black,” “soiled”.
During the Redemption, however, it will be clean, it will shine. 
Similarly, in a bowling alley, everything is clean, polished, and smooth.

The film The Big Lebowski is the 7th film by the Coen brothers. 
Jeffrey Lebowski is nicknamed “the Dude.” 
The number 7 and the Dude are connected to the sefira Malchut. 
“Dude” resembles “Dod”, which means “Beloved” in Hebrew. 
“Lecha Dodi” (“Come, My Beloved”) is a song sung in the synagogue on Friday night to welcome Shabbat, to welcome the Shechina. 
לכה דודי 

Jeff Lebowski is unemployed. 
His friend Walter Sobchak, however, is “Shomer” (Shabbat-keeper). 
(See also the article “Unemployed”)

Triangular Value (Mispar Meshulash / Kidmi) = 386 
= gematria of “Yeshua” (“Salvation”, “Deliverance”) 

“Christ” is a phonetic anagram of “Strike.”

The word “Bowling” includes “Bowl” (a Cup, which represents the sefira Malchut) + the suffix -ing, indicating action. 

Bowling has a messianic dimension. This is why the Dude’s enemy is Jesus, a character portrayed as arrogant, rude, and truly undesirable. Jesus is a myth, the false new Torah. The film’s French Canadian title is “Erreur sur la personne” (“Mistaken Identity”).

We reach Malchut through the true New Torah of the “Je suis” (I am), by challenging false beliefs and taking action—becoming champions of bowling ourselves.

The Light of the Foot

Without Feet, a Man is not complete. 
Each sefira corresponds to a part of the human body, and the sefira Malchut (the Divine Presence in our world) is represented by the Foot.

Malchut is the sefira that must be “washed” so that God may fully reign on Earth.

“Regel” (“Foot”) 
Gematria = 233 
= gematria of “Etz HaChayim” (“Tree of Life”) 
עץ החיים 
= gematria of “Or YHVH” (“Light of God”) 
אור יהוה 

“Amoud Teora” (“Lamp Post”) 
עמוד תאורה 
Gematria = 732 
= gematria of “LeShabbat” (“For the Shabbat”) or “Lashevet” (“To sit”, “To Dwell”). 

A rectified Malchut allows us to reach Shabbat, the Redemption, when the Divine fully “dwells” with us.

“Panas Rechov” (“Street Lamp,” “Public Lamp”) 
פנס רחוב 
Gematria = 406 
= gematria of “Tav,” the last letter of the alphabet, meaning “Mark,” “Sign.” 

The Indo-European root “Lep” is at the origin of the word “Lamp.”

In Hebrew, “Lapid” means “Flame,” “Torch.” 

To “Lapidate” comes from the Latin “Lapidare” (“Lapis”: “Stone”).

The Light comes from what is lowest: from the Foot, from the Stone.

#StOne #AstraGal

We should not disdain what appears low or ugly; it is there that the greatest lights are found.

“The higher a light’s source, the more it reveals itself even at the lowest level.” (Rabbi Rayats)

The French word “Ampoule” can mean a “Light bulb” or a “Blister”.
The journey is long, but in the end, we will all end up with Ampoules.

“Your word is a lamp to my feet…” (Psalms 119:105) 
נֵר לְרַגְלִי דְבָרֶךָ 


Heavy Metal

“Baal Hanan, son of Achbor, died, and Hadar reigned in his place; the name of his city was Pau, and his wife’s name was Mehetabel, daughter of Matred, daughter of Mezahab.” (Genesis 36:39)

In Kabbalah, the “Kings of Edom” represent the World of Chaos, which precedes the World of Rectification. King Hadar symbolizes this transition from chaos to order.

The name of King Hadar’s wife, Mehetabel, meaning “God rejoices,” is an anagram of “Heavy Metal.” 
הבי מטאל 
Ordinal gematria = 52 = YHVH (26) x 2 

A “Rock” is “Even” in Hebrew.
The first 2 letters of the word “Even”, Aleph and Beit, form the word “Av”, the “Father”.
The last 2 letters, Beit and Nun, form the word “Ben”, the “Son”.

Listen to the Rock !

The rectification of the world relies heavily on the transfiguration of the force of Edom/Esau. This power of the Kings of Edom, when transformed, will become the key to ushering in the Messianic era.

Each exile corresponds to a metal and the Exile of Edom corresponds to Iron.


Hard Rock
הארד רוק
Gematria = 516
= gematria of “Ahavat Chinam” (“Unconditional Love”)
אהבת חינם



In the Bible, God is called by many names. He is often referred to as YHVH. To avoid pronouncing this name directly, people sometimes say “HaShem,” or “Shem Havaye”. 
שם הויה 

The Shem Havaye could only be pronounced by a “Cohen,” a “Priest”. In Hawaii, the shaman is called a “Kahuna”.

God is also called Elohim, and at times, Eloha.

“Have you listened in the council of Eloha? Have you monopolized wisdom for yourself?” (Job 15:8) 
הבסוד אלוה תשמע ותגרע אליך חכמה 

“Aloha” is a Hawaiian word that means “Love” and is used as a greeting.

Ordinal gematria = 29 
= gematria of “Ichud” (“Union”) 

#Hawaii #Aloha #Why #Qui #Qui 

“Echad” (“One”) 
Gematria = 13 

“Ahava” (“Love”) 
Gematria = 13 

Name of God YHVH 
Gematria = 26 


#YHVH #Elohim #HawaiianParadise

Yes Oui Ken!

The unveiling of the sefira Keter, the highest one, occurs when we illuminate the sefira Malkhut (Royalty, the Divine Presence on Earth…). The sefira Malkhut then becomes the Keter of the world that follows.

“Barak” means “Lightning” in Hebrew.

“Ba” means “In” in Hebrew; “Ma” represents the World Below.
When the Waters Above pour into the World Below, what is “Black” (sefira Malchut) enters the “White House” (sefira Keter).

“Eaux Haut Ba Bas” (“Waters Above Into Below”): everything becomes clear. What was dark, concealed, becomes a source of Light.

Yes Oui Ken *!

“Ken” means “Yes” in Hebrew.

Repairing God

“In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth.” (Genesis 1:1) 
בראשית ברא אלהים את השמים ואת הארץ 
The ordinal gematria of this verse is 329 
= gematria of “Demiurgos” (“Demiurge,” the “Creator of the Universe”) 

The first word in the Bible, “Bereshit” (“In the Beginning”), is composed of the words “Bara” (“Created”) and “Shit.” 

In the beginning, “God made shit” : this world is imperfect and we need to repair it, make a “Tikun”.

The creation of the world starts with something seemingly terrible, incomprehensible: the Tsimtsum, a kabbalistic concept about the “withdrawal” of the Divine.
When you think about it, there’s nothing worst than that.
Everything begins with deception: in this world, God acts as though He doesn’t exist. 
Worse still, He disguises Himself as a “monster.”

#Monde #Demon #Evil #Live 

God is so humble that He conceals His true reality.

Praying to God is pointless; action is required. 
It is God who makes prayers to us. He wants us to act to save Him. 
To act not only to repair this world but to “repair God” — that is the mission of each one of us in this world.

Dark Energy

The Shechina (Divine Presence) says, “I am black, but beautiful,  O daughters of Jerusalem.” (Song of Songs 1:5)

Everything seems dark during exile. The Divine Presence is concealed; it is “black.” It is unknown, misunderstood. To liberate it, we must seek to understand what is different, “obscure,” and bring forth Light, which will unveil the Shechina, the “Unrecognized Queen.”


“Energuia Afela” (“Dark Energy”)
אנרגיה אפלה 
Gematria = 385 
= gematria of “Assiya” (the world of Action corresponding to Malchut / Kingdom) 
= gematria of “Shechina,” the “Divine Presence” (literally meaning “Dwell” or “Reside”), also associated with Malchut 

The first word in the Bible with a gematria of 385 is “HaRakia” (“The Firmament,” cf. Genesis 1:7) 
Etymologically, “Rakia” means a “Canopy,” a “Dome,” a “Veil.” While dark energy represents about 68% of the total energy density of the universe, its nature remains unknown.

“HaRakia” is an anagram of “HaIkar” (“The Majority,” “The Essence”). 
The majority of the universe is veiled.

“HaRakia” (or “HaIkar”) are also anagrams of “Ayin Rak Yah.” 
ע רק יה 
Ayin, or 70, the Sod (Secret) = Only God

“HaKessem HaShachor” (“Black Magic”)
הקסם השחור 
Ordinal gematria = 112 
= gematria of the combined names of God: YHVH ELOHIM 
יהוה אלהים 

Defy gravity. Tear the veil. Invert everything and you will understand the mysteries of the universe.


Full gematria of “Dark Energy”: 
אנרגיה אפלה 
אלף נון ריש גימל יוד הה אלף פא למד הה 
= 1116 + 2 (Kolel) = 1118 
= gematria of the Shema Israel 
“Hear, O Israel: YHVH is our God, YHVH is One!” (Deuteronomy 6:4) 
שמע ישראל יהוה אלהינו יהוה אחד 

“Afel,” meaning “Dark” or “Obscure,” is an anagram of “Aleph,” the One. 
The One is found within what is dark, unknown, unconscious, incomprehensible.

“Énergie Noire” (“Dark Energy”) in French is an anagram of “Reine Ignorée” (“Unrecognized Queen”): it escapes direct detection.
To find it, we must go into the inner depths of things, think “quantum”. 
To understand dark energy is to understand the expansion of the Universe: our destiny.


“Behold, the Guardian of Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps.” (Psalms 121:4) 
הִנֵּה לֹא יָנוּם וְלֹא יִישָׁן שׁוֹמֵר יִשְׂרָאֵל 
“Guardian” is called “Shomer” in Hebrew. 
Our Guardian is the King of kings. 
A king does not work; he is “Chômeur” (“Unemployed” in French) because he is Shomer.


Tsarfat / France has, symbolically, a fundamental role in the Salvation of Humanity, in establishing the Kingdom; a true French person embodies royalty: they do not like work.


God is eternally good and wants to make each of us kings/queens. It is not natural for Man to work. Today, most people do jobs they do not enjoy. Many are exploited, suffer at work. Many also perform work with no social value, leading to overconsumption, pollution, etc.

The same goes for studies. Many children, teenagers, young adults suffer because they spend years learning useless things in deplorable conditions.

We are destroying our planet and our health. Society’s understanding of work and studies needs re-evaluation. We waste precious life time and resources. People talk about “work value.” They are slaves to the Matrix.

At Auschwitz, Dachau, Terezin, etc., where the forces of evil reached their peak, one could see this sign: “Arbeit Macht Frei” (“Work sets you free”). No, work does not set us free.

In exile, we are in appearances. Many ask, “What do you do?” (What is your work?) when they meet someone for the first time. And to them, you better be a sheep, a slave as well.

Work occupies thoughts, replaces family. 
Yet life time is precious. It should not be wasted. Because of work and/or studies, many people have not been able to pursue their childhood dreams, passions, or gifts. Too few people fulfill themselves through their work. It is often the opposite.

No, who we are is not defined by our work (with a lowercase w). 
It is fashionable among the masses to glorify the “work value”  But our true value is an alchemical process, an inner Work, the “Or” (“Light” in Hebrew). 
#Mashiach #UniversalIncome

At the time of Humanity’s Redemption, we will enter the “7th millennium”: every day will be like the Sabbath, and every year will be sabbatical. We will all be true kings/queens, all “Unemployed”, constantly in the Work.
