Zelensky does not wear a suit.
He does not wear a disguise or a mask.
Because he is true.

Trump, on the other hand, with his wig and old drag queen makeup, lives only in appearance and superficiality.

In our world in exile, the forces of political, economic, and religious oppression give importance to the suit, to externality.

Mafiosi, financiers, bankers… people who see themselves as leaders, who seek to impress, to profit, to deceive, need to wear a suit because they live in lies.

Each of our good deeds, whether in thought, speech, or action, creates a Garment of Light. We are currently in the vestibule, the antechamber of the World to Come.
The World to Come corresponds to Shabbat, the day when we are “well-dressed.”
אייץ אנד אם
Gematria = 207
= Gematria of the word “Or” (“Light”)
One must dress at HaShem’s.