
“Behold, the Guardian of Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps.” (Psalms 121:4) 
הִנֵּה לֹא יָנוּם וְלֹא יִישָׁן שׁוֹמֵר יִשְׂרָאֵל 
“Guardian” is called “Shomer” in Hebrew. 
Our Guardian is the King of kings. 
A king does not work; he is “Chômeur” (“Unemployed” in French) because he is Shomer.


Tsarfat / France has, symbolically, a fundamental role in the Salvation of Humanity, in establishing the Kingdom; a true French person embodies royalty: they do not like work.


God is eternally good and wants to make each of us kings/queens. It is not natural for Man to work. Today, most people do jobs they do not enjoy. Many are exploited, suffer at work. Many also perform work with no social value, leading to overconsumption, pollution, etc.

The same goes for studies. Many children, teenagers, young adults suffer because they spend years learning useless things in deplorable conditions.

We are destroying our planet and our health. Society’s understanding of work and studies needs re-evaluation. We waste precious life time and resources. People talk about “work value.” They are slaves to the Matrix.

At Auschwitz, Dachau, Terezin, etc., where the forces of evil reached their peak, one could see this sign: “Arbeit Macht Frei” (“Work sets you free”). No, work does not set us free.

In exile, we are in appearances. Many ask, “What do you do?” (What is your work?) when they meet someone for the first time. And to them, you better be a sheep, a slave as well.

Work occupies thoughts, replaces family. 
Yet life time is precious. It should not be wasted. Because of work and/or studies, many people have not been able to pursue their childhood dreams, passions, or gifts. Too few people fulfill themselves through their work. It is often the opposite.

No, who we are is not defined by our work (with a lowercase w). 
It is fashionable among the masses to glorify the “work value”  But our true value is an alchemical process, an inner Work, the “Or” (“Light” in Hebrew). 
#Mashiach #UniversalIncome

At the time of Humanity’s Redemption, we will enter the “7th millennium”: every day will be like the Sabbath, and every year will be sabbatical. We will all be true kings/queens, all “Unemployed”, constantly in the Work.


Black Sabbath

Black Sabbath 
בלאק סבאת 
Gematria = 596 
= gematria of “Yerushalayim” (“Jerusalem”) 
= gematria of “Makom Kadosh” (“Holy Place”) 
מקום קדוש 


“I am black, O daughters of Jerusalem, but I am beautiful” (Song of Songs 1:5) 

During the Exile, the Shekhinah, the Divine Presence, which corresponds to the Sabbath, is veiled.

“Ozi” means “My strength” in Hebrew. 

“The rebuilding of Jerusalem depends on Peace.” (Rabbi Nachman of Breslov)

The Secret of the Sacred Cow

Everything will turn around. All of God’s creatures who have been neglected and exploited will reveal themselves as those containing the greatest Light.

“Para Kedosha” (“Sacred Cow”)
פרה קדושה 
Gematria = 700 
= gematria of “Shet”  (“Seth”)

#Sept #Vaccine #Pasture #SuperFarm

Seven, like the Seventh Day, the Sabbath, represents Harmony and corresponds to the sefira Malchut.

“Adam… produced a being in his own image and likeness, and named him Seth” (Genesis 5:3). 

Only one verse in the Bible has a gematria of 700:

“Majesty and splendor are his vanguard, strength and joy fill his abode.” 
(1 Chronicles 16:27) 
הוֹד וְהָדָר לְפָנָיו עֹז וְחֶדְוָה בִּמְקֹמוֹ 

“Seven days you shall purify the altar, and consecrate it; then the altar shall be most holy; whatever touches the altar shall become holy.” (Exodus 29:37)

“Tekaper” (“You shall purify”) 
Gematria = 700 

#Kaporeth #ReCover

“Sheva” means “Seven” in Hebrew. 

“Ceva,” “Cow” in Gaulish.

The word “Vaccine” comes from the Medieval Latin “Variola Vaccina” (“Cow Pox”), from “Vacca” (“Cow”). The practice of vaccination arose after it was observed that people in contact with cows were immune to human smallpox due to cowpox exposure.

In the parasha Chukat (Numbers 19:1 – 22:1), it is written that God instructs Moses and Aaron with the “Decree of the Torah” (Chukat HaTorah), to create purifying water from the ashes of a red cow, the only thing that can cleanse someone after contact with a corpse.


In India, the Cow is seen as the Universal Mother: “Gao Mata,” the Mother Cow. She symbolizes the creature’s sacrifice for the Creator.

“The Cow is immortality, and it is the Cow that is revered as it is death; the Cow is all that exists.” (Atharva Veda)   

Co (26) Boy = Cow-Boy = Vacher = Va chez = Sheva (7) = Shabbat = Return Home

Va Chez
Chez Va


The first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, Aleph, originally represented the Head of a Cow.

#Toro #Torah

Super Farm = Para Pharmacy

To avoid contamination, the Cow-Boy wears the mask.



The ampersand (&) is a typographic symbol representing the word “and”.

It corresponds to the Unicode code U+26 (26 = gematria of the name of God YHVH).

The ampersand also contains the symbol of infinity ( ∞ ).

The word “ampersand” originates from the Occitan “Es per lou et” (“It’s for the ‘and'”).

The ampersand results from the merging of the letters ‘e’ and ‘t’ (“Et” in Latin): it is a symbol of conjunction, fusion, union.

The Latin “Et” is written in Hebrew using the letters Aleph and Tav, the first and last letters of the alphabet, symbolizing God as the Aleph and the Tav.

God & Man
(partners in business)

#UnDeux #And #End


A “Smile” is called “Chiuch” (חיוך) in Hebrew.
The first two letters of “Chiuch” form the word “Chay” (חי), meaning “Life”. The last two letters, Vav and Kaf, have a gematria of 26, the gematria of the name of God YHVH (יהוה).

The corners of the mouth resemble two Yuds (י), and the lips resemble the letter Vav (ו).

Smile = Yud + Yud + Vav
= 10 + 10 + 6 = 26 🙂

#JokeOnde #Da26Code

The word “Smile” comes from the Indo-European root “Smey,” which is related to the Hebrew word Sameach (סמח), meaning “Happy.”

In Sanskrit, “Smayate” (स्मयते) means “Smile,” “Laugh,” but also “Shine.”

In Hebrew, the word “Netz” (נץ) refers to both a “flower” of a fruit tree and a “sparkle.”

#HappiNess #DeLight

The Hebrew word “Sameach” (Happy) shares an ancient root with the word “Tsemach” (צמח), meaning “Sprout” or “Offshoot.”

In the Amidah prayer, it is said “Et Tsemach David Tatsmiach” (“Your servant David’s sprout will flourish”) in reference to the Messiah. 
את צמח דוד תצמיח

“In that day, the Branch of the Lord will be beautiful and glorious…” — Isaiah 4:2 
בַּיּוֹם הַהוּא יִהְיֶה צֶמַח יְהוָה לִצְבִי וּלְכָבוֹד וּפְרִי הָאָרֶץ לְגָאוֹן וּלְתִפְאֶרֶת לִפְלֵיטַת יִשְׂרָאֵל

“Tell him this: Thus says the Lord of Hosts: Behold, a man whose name is Branch, and he will branch out from his place and build the temple of the Lord.” — Zechariah 6:12 
וְאָמַרְתָּ אֵלָיו לֵאמֹר כֹּה אָמַר יְהוָה צְבָאוֹת לֵאמֹר: הִנֵּה אִישׁ צֶמַח שְׁמוֹ וּמִתַּחְתָּיו יִצְמָח וּבָנָה אֶת הֵיכַל יְהוָה
#Lord #Drôle

“Messiah” in Hebrew (“Mashiach” משיח) is an anagram of “Ysma’h” (ישמח), meaning “He will be happy.” 
Messiah is not only “Ish Tsema’h” (“Sprout-man”) but also “Ish Sameach” (“Happy Man”): God resides where there is joy.

#Nirvana #InBloom #SmileLikeTeenSpirit

The King of Action

In English, the letter K is pronounced like the word “Key.
The suffix “-ing” is used to form the present participle, expressing action.

King = Key + ing

The King/Queen is one who lives in action, who acts concretely and effectively.


In Sanskrit, “Krishna” means “Dark,” “He who attracts”, or “He who brings together”.

Gematria = 665
= gematria of “Kmo Shelemaalah, Kach Lemata” (“As above, so below”).
כמו שלמעלה כך למטה

Add the One, and Light will emerge from darkness!


“Mousse” in French can be translated as “Foam”, “Lather” or “Moss”.
In Hebrew, “Moshe” (“Moses”) means “he who was drawn from the waters.”
In Arabic, “Moses” is pronounced “Mussa”

“Moussa” in French is the third person singular past simple of the verb “to foam”.

To foam is to produce bubbles that form on the surface of a liquid. Like Moses, beer head is “drawn from the waters.”

It’s said that Moses was known for his humility—he did not boast (“To boast” is “Mousser” in French: to foam up).

In French, a “Mousse” also mean a “Beer”.

Une mousse ? Perhaps an 8.6 to start.


The word “Moss” partly originates from the Latin “Mulsa”, referring to mead, a drink created through fermentation that produces foam.

Moss grows in humid places.

In French a “Mousse” is also a young sailor. 

Moses, foam, beer, moss, a sailor—all these words relate to water, to that which is drawn from the water, which rises (on the mountain, at the surface of the glass…).

There is also “Mousse au chocolat” (chocolate mousse). To make it, opposites must unite: the dark of chocolate and the white of whipped egg.

“HaMousse” (“The chocolate mousse”) 
Gematria = 111 
= full gematria of the letter Aleph, the first letter of the alphabet. 

The Yi

The letter Yud is the 10th letter of the Hebrew alphabet. It is the smallest letter, yet it represents the highest essence.

Yud is the first letter in the name of God, YHVH, associated with the partsuf Abba and the sefirah Chochmah, within the world of Emanation.

Chokhmah means “Wisdom” and is an anagram of “Koach Ma” (“The Power of Ma”, Ma being the lower world). The Yud resembles a seed, a primal idea that will make its way to the sefirah Malchout.
כח מה 

The letter Yud corresponds to the sound “i.”

In Chinese, Yī (一) means “One”. 

Yì (易) means “Change** or “Transformation” (as in “Yi Jing”). 

“Yì” (艺) signifies “Art” or “Talent”. 

“Yì” (意) means “Intention”, with the ideogram formed around the “Heart” (at the base).

Yi: practicing the Art of Transformation with the Intention to become One.

“Yì” (意) can be translated as “Intention”, “Thought”, “Mind”, “Consciousness”, or “Anticipation”—that is, the intention, thought (“Chokhmah”, world of “Atzilut”, Abba) preceding Creation (world of “Beriah”).

“Yi Dao Qi Dao” (意到汽到): Yi precedes Qi. Without Yi, there is no Qi. Such is the essence of Dao.

“Yì” (艺) etymologically means “Planting” or “Cultivating”. The letter “Yud” is similarly likened to a drop, a seed.

The smallest letter, begins the name of God. And it is Yi, the “small inner voice,” that brings beauty to things. It is a Drop of Divine Light.

“Yì” (意) is derived from 諳 (“Thinking”), with 心 (“Heart,” “Mind”) replacing 言 (“Speech,” “Sound”). Yi, therefore, conveys sounds (音) from what is within the heart, the mind (心).

Yi enables the Sound of the Heart to be expressed.

On est deux
Aime Être
Paire = Se voir


According to the anonymous author of “Shaarei Tsedek,” a student of Abraham Abulafia, Man is the last of all created entities and is thus represented by the letter Yud, which is 10, considered the last primary number. “He is the Yud in this world, endowed with the power of the whole, encompassing all, like the Yud within the realm of the sefirot. Understand that there is no discernible difference between this Yud and that Yud, except in the finest nuance, from a spiritual perspective, and that the letter Yud has a full gematria of the other Yud (note: Yud’s full gematria is 20 = Yud (10) + Vav (6) + Dalet (4)).
This is the secret of the verse ‘You shall cling to Him,’ the attachment of Yud to Yud, to complete the circle.”


Gematria of the name of God YHVH = 26 

The name of God YHVH can also be found within the letter Aleph, the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet. The letter Aleph is composed of two Yuds, two points, joined by the letter Vav.

These two Yuds represent the upper and lower worlds, masculine and feminine dimensions, Heaven and Earth.

Yud + Yud + Vav
= 10 + 10 + 6 
= 26 

In Chinese philosophy, Yin and Yang symbolize the phenomena of life and the cosmos—different components of a duality, generally opposing yet complementary. The two Yuds, like Yin and Yang, exist only in relation to each other.


The word Logo originates from the ancient Greek “Logos” (λόγος), meaning “Word”.

Many factors come into play in creating a logo that is globally recognized and enduring, like the Coca-Cola logo (a brand tied to the Word; see article on “Coca-Cola”).

Gematria = 45
= Gematria of “Adam”

A logo serves to identify an entity instantly.
Man is the logo of God.