
Everything is illusion. The greatest Lights are not found “in the heavens” or the “spiritual.” They are buried deep within the material world. So let us follow Alice, leaving the superficial to journey into what is profound, into the interior of things.


V.I.T.R.I.O.L. stands for “Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem,” meaning: “Visit the interior of the earth, and by rectifying, you will find the hidden stone.”

Gematria = 271 
= Gematria of “Herayon” (“Pregnancy”) 

According to the Talmud (Nidda 38a), the gematria of this word roughly corresponds to the number of days from conception to birth. 
271 is the 10th centered hexagonal number, making Vitriol a “hexagonal name.”

Gematria = 541 
541 is the 100th prime number and the 10th star number, making Israel a “starred name.”

The hexagon is connected to materiality, the matrix, and the forces of nature (molecules and atoms often take a hexagonal shape due to their covalent bonds). To break free from the matrix, we must refine the material world, rectify our character, and “polish the rough stone.”


The Stone is connected to the Rooster. In Gaulish, “Gal” / “Gallos” means “Stone,” and gave rise to the word “Galet” (pebble). “Gal” also signifies what is “Hard,” “Strong,” “Powerful,” what “Cries out.”
This root reappears in the Latin word “Gallus,” which means both “Rooster” and “Gaul.”

The symbol of Gaul is the Rooster, “Tarnegol” in Hebrew. The rooster has Binah, it is the first to distinguish day from night. 
The gematria of the root GaL (related, in Hebrew, to “Revelation” as in “Guilouy”) is 33, which is also the international dialing code for France. 

#G #33

“To lapidate” (to stone to death) comes from the Latin word “Lapidare” (from “Lapis”: “Stone”). 
In Hebrew, “Lapid” means “Torch” or “Flame.” 
The transcription of “Pierre” (meaning “Stone” ot “Peter” in French) in Hebrew is identical to the English word “Fire.” 

#FlamEL #Light

“Gallus” in Latin sounds like “Galus” (Ashkenazi pronunciation of “Galut”), which means “Exile” in Hebrew. 
“Gueula” means “Redemption.” 

A “Stone” is called “Even” in Hebrew. 
The first two letters, Aleph and Beit, form the word “Av,” meaning “Father.” 
The last two letters, Beit and Nun, form the word “Ben,” meaning “Son.” 

“Even HaChachamim” (“The Philosopher’s Stone”) 
אבן החכמים 
Gematria = 176 
= Gematria of “Chaye Netsa’h” (“Eternal Life”) 
חיי נצח

“Saint Peter” is called “Petrus HaKadosh” in Hebrew 
פטרוס הקדוש 
Gematria = 770 
= Gematria of “Tsarfat” (“France”) 
= Gematria of “Beit Mashiach” (“House of the Messiah”) 
בית משיח

The Lubavitch custom is to sing the Shabbat morning song HaAderet VeHaEmunah to the tune of the Marseillaise, repeating “Le’Chay Olamim!” 
לחי עולמים

Follow the white rabbit. Go to the depths within yourself. There you will find the Pierre that will allow you to build a House that reveals the Divine Presence in this world.

#HiddenStone #ConstructSion


“Bolivia” can be read as follows: BO (“Come” in Hebrew) + LIVE + YAH (God)

“Bo Live Yah!”

Ordinal Gematria = 47
= Gematria of “BeAdam” (“In Man”)
Standard Gematria = 65
= the name of God “Adonai,” connected to the sefirah Malchut

“My fruit is better than pure gold…” (Proverbs of Solomon 8:19)

“Pure gold” is called “Paz” in Hebrew.

When we receive the Divine Light, we reap the fruits of our labor: La Paz “the Pure Gold.”

The Solomon Islands

“Shalom” and “Solomon” share the same Hebrew root: “Shalem,” which means “Whole.”

To be at Peace, one must gather together, become whole.

#SolomonIslands #PacificOcean

The Solomon Islands is a nation comprising hundreds of islands in the South Pacific. With approximately 80 languages spoken across an area of 28,450 square kilometers, it has the highest concentration of languages in the world. All its inhabitants are polyglots, much like King Solomon, who was said to understand the “Language of the Birds” and could explain any topic using 3,000 metaphors.

Polyphonies and the Pan Flute form the foundation of traditional music in the Solomon Islands. Voices and breaths intertwine to create a heavenly melody: God is One.

Welcome to the Solomon Islands, the islands of wholeness, of Shalom.

Listen closely.

Solomon Islands
איי שלמה 
Ordinal Gematria = 72 

The spelling of God’s name YHVH, known as Shem AV, corresponds to the highest world, that of Atzilut (Emanation).
יוד הי ויו הי 
Gematria = 72 

There are “72 Names of God,” derived from three verses in Exodus (Chapter 14, verses 19, 20, and 21).

Solomon Islands
Full Gematria = 661 
אלף יוד יוד שן למד מם הא 

This gematria matches that of “Shoshana” (Lily), which is the origin of the symbol of the Star of David.

Gödel’s incompleteness theorems

Gödel’s incompleteness theorems
משפטי האי-שלמות של גדל 
Ordinal gematria = 212 
= Gematria of “HaOr” (“The Light”) 

According to Gödel’s incompleteness theorems, which transformed modern mathematics and logic, there exist truths that are unprovable. 

In the French word “Théorème” we hear “Théo” (from “Theos”, meaning “God” in Greek) and “Aime” (meaning “Love” in French). 
In “Gödel,” we find “God” and “El” (another name for God). 

A theory sufficient to encompass arithmetic must necessarily be incomplete, meaning that it contains statements which are neither provable nor refutable within the system. 


Gödel’s techniques, foundational to computing, laid the groundwork for modern algorithms and computer science. 

#Un #Form #Atik 

Gödel is also recognized for his Ontological Proof of the Existence of God, a formal argument based on modal logic. 

The Universal Remedy

“HaTikun HaKlali” (“The Universal Remedy”) 
התיקון הכללי 
Gematria = 666 

The world is ill. The time has come to “vaccinate” ourselves, willingly or not, so that Humanity may enter an era of universal peace. 

“Lily” is called “Shoshana” in Hebrew, derived from “Shesh” (“Six”). This flower, which inspired the Star of David, has six petals and six stamens. 

“HaShoshana” (“The Lily Flower”) 
Gematria = 666 


Adam, Humanity, was created on the 6th day. 
The number 6, like the six days of Creation before Shabbat, represents Materialization. Six is the Hebrew letter Vav, the 6th letter of the Hebrew alphabet. 
The Vavim were hooks used in the Temple. 

The fulfilled Human who has refined their character traits, corresponding to the six midot (qualities) of Zeir Anpin, becomes a King, and the symbol of royalty is the Lily. 

Royalty is attained through connection with the sefira “Malchut” the Shekhina, the Divine Presence, the Kingdom of God. When the Six/Sex (Zeir Anpin) unites with the Virgin / Cup / Matrix, Zeir Anpin and the Shechina become One. Together, they bring the Final Redemption. 

#TheCouple #TheCup

The Universal Remedy is intimacy: a fulfilling sexuality that allows us to experience the Divine Presence. 


Humanity’s salvation depends on the Tikun (correction) of the Six, of Sex. Rapes, abortions, families broken by divorce, sexual exploitation… Much of the world’s harm stems from misusing sexual energy. 

Sexual union brings us closer to the Divine, but the Divine Spark of Love remains in exile, surrounded by a shell (klipa). The greater a Divine Light, the greater the destructive shell surrounding it. 

A fulfilled approach to sexuality combined with tsnius (modesty), connects us directly to the Divine. The Tsadick is hidden. 

The false Universal Remedy is what manipulative gurus try to sell, dragging the world into their madness, such as certain Chassidic rabbis from the Breslev sect, who teach that masturbation creates demons. 

The true Universal Remedy is not in mumbling psalms or making pilgrimages. 
The Gueula (Redemption) will come not through prayer, but through action. Not by faith, but through knowledge. 

Those who demonized the Serpent offering Knowledge and preferred to follow a jealous, cruel, and manipulative god will need healing. 


The Body of the Messiah

“Guf HaMashiach” (“The Body of the Messiah”) 
גוף המשיח 
Gematria = 452 

The first word in the Bible with a gematria of 452 is “BeDemut” (“In His own likeness”): 

“When God created man, He made him in the likeness of God.” (Genesis 5:1) 

We should not wait (“To wait” = “Attendre” in French) for the Messiah, but reach (“To reach” : “Atteindre”) him: the messianic dimension is not only a Universal Soul but also a Universal Body: 
“He created them male and female, blessed them, and named them Man (Adam).” (Genesis 5:2) 

The Body of the Messiah is the union of the bodies of man and woman, becoming One. 



“Quantum” is a Latin form meaning “How much,” corresponding in physics to an indivisible quantity (plural: “Quanta”).

Gematria = 217 
= gematria of “Ori” (“My Light”) 

The letter Heh at the beginning of a word corresponds to the definite article. 
The fourth letter of God’s name YHVH, Heh, represents the Shechinah.
When Heh is placed at the start of a word, its numerical value reflects its inner essence. 

“HaQuantum” (“The Quantum”) 
Gematria = 222 
= gematria of “Kol Elohim” (“Voice of Elohim”) 
קול אלהים 

“Indeed, inquire now regarding the early days that preceded you, from the day when God created man on the earth, and from one end of the heavens to the other end of the heavens, has there been anything like this great thing or has the like been heard? Has a people ever heard the voice of God speaking from the midst of the fire, as you have heard, and lived?” (Deuteronomy 4:32-33)   

The French preposition “Quant à” (“As for”) indicates a shift in the object or subject of the ongoing conversation.

#Quanta #Toi


“And God said, ‘Let the earth sprout vegetation, seed yielding herbs and fruit trees producing fruit according to its kind in which its seed is found, on the earth’, and it was so.” (Genesis 1:11)

Ordinal gematria = 111 
= full gematria of the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, Aleph אלף

Photosynthesis is the biological process that transforms Light into Life.

Classical gematria of “Photosynthesis” = 633 
= full gematria of the word “Or” (“Light”) 
אלף וו ריש 

“Arise, shine, for your light has come…” (Isaiah / Yeshayahu 60:1) 
קוּמִי אוֹרִי כִּי בָא אוֹרֵךְ 
Gematria = 633 

“There shall be a highway and a road, and it shall be called the Holy Way; no unclean one shall traverse it, and it shall be for them; the traveler, even fools shall not go astray therein.” (Isaiah 35:8)

“Derech HaKodesh” (“Holy Way”) 
דֶרֶךְ הַקֹּדֶשׁ 
Gematria = 633 

“HaChamtsan” (“The Oxygen”) 
Gematria = 193 

Dioxide = an oxide containing 2 atoms of oxygen.

“Pachman Du Chamtsani” (“Carbon Dioxide”) 
פחמן דו חמצני 
Gematria = 386 (193 x 2)
= gematria of “Yeshua” (“Salvation”) 

“Co” = Kaf + Vav = 26 = YHVH 

Photosynthesis enables plants to synthesize molecules through light.

#TsemachDavid #111 #358


Ordinal gematria = 86 
= gematria of the name of God “Elohim” 
= gematria of “HaTeva” (“The Nature”) 

The forces hidden behind the laws of nature keep us in illusion. 
The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us.

Classical gematria = 419 
= gematria of “Kavoua HaMivné HaAdine” (“Fine Structure Constant”) 
קבוע המבנה העדין 

The Fine Structure Constant is all around us. It is one of the fundamental constants of physics, involved in atomic cohesion, balancing positive nuclei and negative electrons. The fine structure constant acts as a coupling constant, representing the force of interaction between electrons and photons.

It serves as a gateway between charged particles and photons, which constitute Light.

Its symbol is Alpha ( α ), or Aleph, the One. 

Classical gematria = 419 
= gematria of the word “Fractal” 

A fractal figure is a mathematical object with a similar structure at every scale. It allows us to integrate the infinite within the finite.


A fractal is an infinitely fragmented geometric object. 
“Fractal” comes from the Latin “Fractus” (“Broken,” “Fractured”): the material world was created after the “Shevirat HaKelim” (the Kabbalistic concept of the “Shattering of the Vessels”). The fractal holds the secret of the Shattering of the Vessels.

The universe is a fractal. We are in exile, prisoners of the matrix, the fractal of the material world and its hypnotic effects.

It’s time to wake up.

Like the Sefirot, a fractal object is one in which each element is also a fractal (similar to Russian dolls). The study of fractals provides insight into the unfolding of worlds.

The Koch snowflake, created from an equilateral triangle, is a classic example of a fractal curve. 
In the first iteration, it forms a Star of David. 
With further iterations, the image transforms into a hexagonally symmetric snowflake.

Fractal dimension of the Koch curve: D = ln 4/ln 3 = 1.26 

#NaisJe #YHVH

The Cesàro fractal is one variant of the Koch snowflake curve with an angle between 60° and 90° (here, 85°).

The Jerusalem fractal corresponds to the Frankish Kingdom of Jerusalem. Unlike other fractals, it yields an irrational number when calculating its similarity ratio for self-similarity.

The adjective “Matte” describes something that does not reflect Light. 
What is “Matte” is “Met” (“Dead” in Hebrew). 
“Rix” means “King” in Gaulish.

Fight against the Matte-Rix!


Moses Is Not dead

In the life of the biblical Moses, we find traces of two of the most famous ancient legends of the time.

The first is the legend of Sargon of Akkad, who was abandoned at birth in a basket of reeds, left to the waters of a river.

The second is the story of Sinuhe, who must flee Egypt due to a murder attempt, travels abroad, and eventually returns to his homeland. In exile, he marries the daughter of a local chief and leads military campaigns, much like Moses, who, according to a midrash, married and became a military leader abroad before arriving in Midian.

In Egyptian, “Ms(w)-sw” means “Son,” as in “Ramses” (“Son of Ra”). Thus, the name Moses would simply mean “Son.”

Superman, Batman, Captain America, Spiderman, Moses… the Jews are known for having created many superheroes. Moses and all superheroes are archetypes, represented by Zeir Anpin in Kabbalah, the Son, the warrior who fights the forces of evil.

Moses was raised in Memphis. The letter Mem can be found in Memphis, representing the Mother. The letter “Mem” is the 13th letter of the Hebrew alphabet and symbolizes both Water and the Mother, or Bina. “Son” means “Sound” in French. Memphis sounds like “Même fils”, the “Same Son” in French. The “Son” emerges from Memphis.

#MemFils #TheRock

“Moshé” (“Moses” in Hebrew) is the anagram/reflection of “HaShem” (“The Name”: God). God and the Son are One. 

“We all have an inner Moses.” (Rabbi of Lubavitch)

#SameSon #FLove #TenNESSee #SunRecords #TheKingIsNotDead