Jesus Mary Joseph!

The Torah, New Testament, and Quran are collections of tales, myths and legends.
Most of religious leaders are wolves disguised as lambs.
Let us find the light of God in this Shadow.

“Time” as in “Once upon a time” is “Fois” in French which sounds exactly like “Foi” (“Faith”).

Il était une FOI…

ONE upon a time…

Many literary creations featuring a Jewish superhero named Yeshua, aka Jesus, were produced around 2000 years ago, but only the four canonical Gospels achieved the fame we know today. 

The Gospel writers created characters inspired by both real and imaginary figures. 
For example,  John the Baptist draws inspiration from a “baptizer” similar to the Banos mentioned by Flavius Josephus. 

Among the real figures used to construct the Jesus myth are Judas of Galilee and his crucified sons, the false messiahs mentioned by Flavius Josephus, the healer Yeshua ben Stada/Pantera, Apollonius of Tyana, Shimon Bar Kokhba, etc. 

Among the imaginary figures inspiring Jesus are Osiris, Dionysus, Mithras, Tammuz, Attis, and others. 

Gematria of God’s Name YHVH = 26


In Judeo-Christian mythology, Miriam (Mary) is the consort of Yeshua (Jesus). 

“Yeshua Miriam” (“Jesus Mary”) 
ישוע מרים 
Gematria = 676
26 x 26   

“Yeshua Miriam Yosef” (“Jesus Mary Joseph”) 
ישוע מרים יוסף 
Gematria = 832

Only one verse in the Torah has a gematria of 832: 
“The LORD is a warrior; the LORD is His Name!” (Exodus 15:3) 
יהוה איש מלחמה יהוה שמו 

“Lechem” (“Bread”) and “Milchamah” (“War”) share the same root in Hebrew. They are both connected to eternal life.

Bread also metaphorically refers to sex (Talmud Sanhedrin 75a, Yevamot 37b, Shabbat 140b, etc.). 

Make love, not war! 

#WarBread #BeitLechem 

The fictional character of Yeshua symbolizes in Kabbalah the partsuf Zeir Anpin, the Small Face, the “impatient knight” who fights to free the Princess, the Shechinah (Divine Presence). Yeshua/Zeir Anpin is the letter Vav, the blade of the sword: 

“The sword of the Holy One, blessed be He, is formed from the Tetragrammaton: the Yod is the hilt, the Vav the blade, and the two Hehs the two edges.” (Zohar III, 274b) 

For 2000 years, the spirit of Satan has said: “I did not come to bring peace, but the sword.”
In truth, the Mashiach, the true Messiah, will bring both peace AND the sword: the word “Shalom” (“Peace”) in Hebrew is one of God’s names, as is the word “Sword”.

“The sword of the Holy One, blessed be He, is formed from the Tetragrammaton: the Yod is the hilt, the Vav the blade, and the two Hehs the two edges.” (Zohar III, 274b)

When we wage war against our negative traits and improve ourselves, Yeshua/Zeir Anpin shines, becoming the “Light of the World”.

“Or HaOlam” (“The Light of the World”) 
אור העולם 
Gematria = 358
= gematria of “Mashiach” (“Messiah”) 

According to the Bible, Adam, the Man, was created on the 6th day. 

The number 6, like the number of days of Creation before the Shabbat, represents Materialization. 

Six is the letter Vav, the 6th letter of the Hebrew alphabet. The Vavim are the hooks used in the Temple. The letter Vav serves as a conjunction (“And”) and links words together. 

Six is Yesod, the sefira corresponding to Sex and to Yossef (Joseph). 

Gematria = 156
= YHVH (26) x 6 

#Tsadick #ZyunInZion

“If we…” is “Im anachnu…” in Hebrew (“Si on” in French).
אם אנחנו 
Gematria = 156
= gematria of “Tsion” (“Zion”) 

Si on…

Yes Oui Ken! 

(“Ken” means “Yes” in Hebrew.) 

At the Salvation of Humanity, we will all revel in the Divine Presence revealed within us. 

Yes! Yes! Yes! 

#MaisSi #OrGasm #Light 

In Jewish tradition, something repeated three times becomes a Chazaka, expressing completeness and a state of fact. 

666, therefore, is the number of Man with a capital M: the accomplished Human who fights to unite Heaven and Earth, connects, and brings the Light. 

#666 #TheKing #IAM #Coming 

The names of God YHVH (26) and Elohim (86) both have gematrias ending in 6, because we must unite them: unite Masculine and Feminine, Exteriority and Interiorization, Transcendence and Immanence, Above and Below, Yeshua and Miriam… 
יהוה אלהים 

And they lived happily ever after and had many children…

The False Messiah of Lubavitch

In Hebrew, France is called “Tsarfat”, a word whose letters are found in “Pritsout” (“Debauchery”, “Lust”): France is universally recognized as embodying debauchery. 


“France crystallizes the most negative forces, and its own refinement marks the fullness of the world’s refinement.” (Lubavitcher Rabbi)

From 770 Eastern Parkway in New York, the Chabad Lubavitch movement has spread worldwide… even to France.

“Tsarfat” (“France”) 
*Gematria = 770
= gematria of “Beit Mashiach” (“House of the Messiah”) 
בית משיח 

The 770 crystallizes the most negative forces, and its own refinement marks the fullness of the world’s refinement: the headquarters of the Chabad Lubavitch movement is a house of idolatry and spiritual prostitution.

In front of his empty chair (he passed away in 1994), the Lubavitcher Rabbi is daily proclaimed “Melekh HaMashiach” (“King Messiah”). 

The Lubavitcher Rabbi made many allusions in his teachings to the idea that he was the Messiah. He allowed a personality cult to form around him, which caused significant harm.

The Chabad-Lubavitch movement is close to the far-right and supremacists. This is evident when reading one of their foundational texts, the Tanya,  which teaches that a non-Jewish soul contains no good (end of chapter 1), whereas only the Jewish soul is a part of God (beginning of chapter 2). 

All of this is nonsense. 

It is time to stop hiding behind a beard and a hat. 

“Before the Messiah’s arrival, Hasidic rabbis will multiply like locusts and delay the Redemption: because they will sow division in hearts and incite baseless hatred.” (Baal Shem Tov)

The letters of the word “Tsarfat” are also found in “Ufaratsta” (“You shall spread out”): 

France and the Chabad Lubavitch movement have spread both physical and spiritual debauchery across the world. 


These negative forces must be refined through “Tseruf” (the same root as “Tsarfat”), meaning “Combination”, “Connection,” “Purification” or “Reunion”: 

“Many will be sifted, purified, and refined (Yitsarfu).” (Daniel 12:10) 

#Starfullah #YaRabbi 

There is no Tsarfat, no Tseruf leading to the One God without Muslims, without Arabic. 

Arabic illuminates us and transforms lust (luxuria) into Lux (Light). In Arabic, “Rabbi” (ربّي) does not refer to a specific physical person but means “My Lord”: God. 

The Rabbi (ربّي) is the true Messiah. And it is through Arabic that we understand this great secret. 

“Lubavitch” means “Brotherly Love” in Russian (Люба́вичи). Our Messiah is not the “Rebbe” but the “Rebeu” (“Arab” in French slang): the Rabbi (ربّي) of Lubavitch (Люба́вичи), the God of Brotherly Love. 


Orbi Est Or Bi

The Latin word “Orbi” means “Earth”, “World”, “Circular Surface”, “Universe”.

In Hebrew, “Or Bi” means the “Light in me”
אור בי
Ordinal gematria = 39
= gematria of “YHVH Echad” (“God is One”)
יהוה אחד

All nations are within us. It is up to us to illuminate them in order to find universal and inner peace. To achieve this, we need to speak and pronounce things correctly: we need a blessing.

“Orbi Est Or Bi”: The world is my Light.

The world is my Light.
I illuminate all the facets of the Universe,
I am the Light of the world.

“Or HaOlam” (“The Light of the World”)
אור העולם
Gematria = 358
= gematria of “Mashiach” (“Messiah”)


The salvation of humanity corresponds to the fulfillment of the Universal Masonic Project. 

#France #Freemasonry #G #33 #Gematria #Gaule #Gallus #Galut #Gueula #Light 

The Universal Masonic Project is about becoming “masons”: people who build a dwelling for the Divine Presence here on Earth. To achieve this, we must unite the names YHVH and Elohim, transcendence and immanence, the square and the compass, the masculine and feminine dimensions, Heaven and Earth. 

Each individual must “shape their stone”: working on oneself, refining the raw stone to make it part of the Temple. 

True Freemasonry has nothing to do with lodges, ranks, or “regularity”. It is mixed because it is not exclusively for men. True Freemasonry appeals to our inner being. 

True Freemasonry should make us Interior Architects: men and women who construct themselves and the world based on interiority rather than superficiality or appearances. By mastering our primal impulses, politics, media, and economics no longer have power over us. By controlling ourselves, we control the world! 

Leaving Egypt means going beyond boundaries in search of interiority. It’s “leaving measures”: becoming a “Great M’Être” (“Great Master”). 

“Master HaGadol” (“Great Master”) 
מאסטר הגדול 
Gematria = 358 
= gematria of “Mashiach” (“Messiah”)

We are all destined to become freemasons, whether we like it or not. Our generation must understand that the Beit of the Event is here, and it is coming. 

When we unite Man and Woman, Heaven and Earth, we become a “Holy Stone”: we are the Temple. 

#BeitHaMikdash #Event #Even

The sefirot are arranged in triads. The third sefira of each triad is placed on the Central Pillar, representing the Just Middle. 

Chokhmah / Binah / Daat 
Chesed / Gevurah / Tiferet
Netzach / Hod / Yesod*

The Tree 
The Three 
Le Tri 

#33 #ThreePoints #Segol #ThirdTemple 

“Saint Peter” is said “Petrus HaKadosh” in Hebrew: 
פטרוס הקדוש 
Gematria = 770 
= gematria of “Tsarfat” (“France”) 
= gematria of “Beit Mashiach” (“House of the Messiah”) 
בית משיח 

#StONE #ConstructSion 

The number 33 corresponds to the gematria of the root “Gal” (Gimel + Lamed, gematria = 33), linked to Revelation. It is also the international telephone code for France. 

#TElephOne #Home #Homme #JeSuis

“Gal” means “Stone” in Gaulish and gave rise to the word “Galet” (“Pebble” in French).
“Gal” also signifies “Hard, “Strong”, “Powerful”. This root appears in the Latin word “Gallus” meaning “Rooster” and also “Gaul”.

“Stone” is said “Even” in Hebrew: 
The first two letters of the word “Even”, Aleph and Beit, form the word “Av” (“Father”): 
The last two letters, Beit and Nun, form the word “Ben” (“Son”): 

“HaBonim HaChofshiim” (“The Freemasons”) 
הבונים החופשיים 
Gematria = 572 
= 22 (number of Hebrew alphabet letters) x 26 (gematria of the name of God YHVH): 

“That is why a man leaves his father and mother, and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.” (Genesis 2:24) 

“VeHayu LeBasar Echad” (“And they become one flesh”) 
וְהָיוּ לְבָשָׂר אֶחָד 
Gematria = 572 

The Third Temple is the union of opposites, the reunion of the masculine and feminine dimensions of the Divine. We can all build the Temple by transforming hearts of stone into hearts of flesh. We are all freemasons. 

Aleph is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet. 
Beit, the second letter, means “House.” 
Aleph Beit = Alphabet = the “House of One”: 
Number of letters in the alphabet = 26 
= gematria of the name of God YHVH: 

26 = L’Être (The Being)

The Small Voice

“… Before Him, a great and powerful wind tore through the mountains and shattered the rocks, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind, an earthquake; the Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake, a fire; the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire, a gentle and subtle whisper.”
(Kings I 19:11-12) 

“Kol Demama Daka” (“Gentle and Subtle Whisper”) 
קוֹל דְּמָמָה דַקָּה 
Ordinal Gematria = 100 
= the gematria of “Lech Lecha” (“Go to yourself,” see Genesis 12:1) 
לך לך 

Listen to the gentle and subtle whisper. Hear the small voice urging you to go toward yourself. 

#InnerVoice #InnerPath 

The method of gematria known as Mispar Boneh (or Rivua) involves summing the progressive values of each letter in a word (see Torat Menachem, Tiferet Levi Yitzchak, Bereshit, p.2). 

“Kol Katan” (“Small Voice”) 
קול קטן 
Gematria Mispar Boneh = 
100 + (100+6) + (100+6+30) + (100+6+30+100) + (100+6+30+100+9) + (100+6+30+100+9+50) 
= 1118 
= the gematria of the Shema Israel: 

“Hear, O Israel: the Lord is our God, the Lord is One!”
(Deuteronomy 6:4) 
שְׁמַע, יִשְׂרָאֵל יְהוָה אֱלֹהֵינוּ, יְהוָה אֶחָד 

Listen to the small voice. 
Stop following the crowd. Go toward yourself. Take the narrow path—the Shem Un (Name One).
“Shem Un” IN French is pronunced like “Chemin” (“Path”). “Path” is also “Voie” in French, and is pronunced like “Voix” (“Voice”).

“There are two audible voices and two inaudible voices. Of the inaudible voices, one is the supreme wisdom enclosed, which resides in thought and neither reveals itself nor is heard. The other is formed when a tiny portion of the first emerges and reveals itself as a muted whisper. This is called the great voice. It is tiny and emerges in a murmur. As for the two audible voices, they arise from this murmur: they are the voice of Jacob and the speech that accompanies it. The great voice, the unheard whisper, is the house of supreme wisdom—just as the feminine aspect is called a house. Similarly, the speech mentioned earlier serves as the house for the voice of Jacob, which is the Torah. Thus, the Torah resides within the Beit (the house), the house of beginnings (Beit Reshit = Bereshit).” 
(Zohar, Bereshit 50b) 

“Wisdom” is called “Sophia” in Greek (Σοφíα). 

Ordinal Gematria = 53 
= the ordinal gematria of “Torah”

The Divine manifests in smallness in this world: the Shechina, the Divine Presence, is like a “little girl,” not like a “great man”.

God becomes “micro” to amplify His voice. 

#Sophia #Migdal #Bat #Kol

The Fine-Structure Constant

The Fine-Structure Constant is one of the fundamental constants of physics. It governs the cohesion of atoms, the bond between positive nuclei and negative electrons. 

The fine-structure constant acts as a coupling constant, representing the strength of interaction between electrons and photons. It serves as a bridge between charged particles and photons, which are the essence of Light. 

Its symbol is Alpha (α) = Aleph, the One. 

Its value is approximately 1/137. 

“By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down and wept, when we remembered Zion.” (Psalms 137:1) 

“The world rests on the union of day and night.” (Zohar, Bereshit II 32b) 

See the connection: 

“Yom VaLayla” (“Day and Night”) 
יום ולילה 
Gematria = 137 
= the gematria of “Kabbalah”
= secrets of the Uni-verse 

The world is founded on the union of opposing principles: masculine and feminine, spiritual and material, and so on.  

“Kavua HaMivne HaAdin” (“Fine-Structure Constant”) 
קבוע המבנה העדין 
Gematria = 419 
= the gematria of “Achdut” (“Union,” “Cohesion”) 

Ombre et Lumière
Ombre est Lumière

#IAM #YHVH #JeSuis

Secret Societies

Secret societies rule the world without our knowledge. Many people are afraid of them.

By “secret societies”, we should understand the various parts of our unconscious that pull the strings in the shadows. Our conscious mind is the official government that appears to rule our State (our way of being / state of mind). But this is mere illusion. Everything is false. The true decision-makers lie within the darkest parts of our being, those we have repressed. 

In French, NOM means NAME, OMBRE means SHADOW, NOMBRE means NUMBER.
In Spanish, HOMBRE means MAN, NOMBRE means NAME.


All nations are within us. France (Tsarfat) is connected to the Tseruf (the mystical art of letter combination). Spain (Sefarad in Hebrew, ספרד, an anagram of “Pardes” פרדס) is connected to the four levels of Torah interpretation (Pshat, Remez, Drash, Sod).

“And this exiled host of the children of Israel who are [with] the Canaanites as far as Tsarfat (France) and the exile of Jerusalem which is in Sepharad (Spain) shall inherit the cities of the southland.
And saviors shall ascend Mt. Zion to judge the mountain of Esau, and the Lord shall have the kingdom.” (Prophet Ovadia 1:20-21)

Our purpose on Earth is to reveal the Divine Presence in this world, to unveil “HaShem” (“The Name”: God). To do so, we must not fear venturing inward, toward ourselves, to encounter our shadow and the secret societies that govern our inner world. Instead of repressing our shadow zones, we must explore and illuminate them. In this way, the Illuminati (the Enlightened people) will finally govern openly. We need to change the current world order. A New World Order (Nouvel Ordre Mondial in French : N.O.M.) will emerge, bringing Salvation to Humanity. The NAME of God will become ONE.

“There is no light without shadow, and no psychic wholeness without imperfection. Life requires not perfection for its fulfillment, but fullness. Without imperfection, there is neither progress nor ascent.”
(Carl Jung)

In French, UN means ONE.



“Mi Ani?” (“Who am I?”)
מי אני 
Gematria = 111 
= the full gematria of Aleph, the One (1+30+80)

In Kabbalah, “Mi” (“Who”) represents the upper world, the Subject; in contrast to “Ma” (“What”), the lower world, the Object. 

Mi Ani? Ani Mi. The Animist recognizes that there is a Soul in everything. 
אני מי   

“HaTeva” (“The Nature”) 
Gematria = 86 
= the gematria of Elohim

“Culte des EN S’ÊTRE” :  this is a subtle pun in French: “ancêtre” (ancestor) sounds like “en s’être” (“in being oneself”). This poetic play on words connects the reverence for ancestry with the idea of self-awareness and essence, suggesting that to honor one’s ancestors is also to honor the act of being and existing authentically.

#AniMi #BackToTheRoots


“God said: Let us make man in our image, in our likeness” (Genesis 1:26) 

#Imitation #Imagination #BeautifulImage 

“In our likeness” is said as “Kidmutenu” in Hebrew: 
This same root is found in the word “Adam”, meaning “Man” as well as in the Hebrew word “Dam”, meaning “Blood”.
Man is the Son of God. When you are descended from someone, you share the same blood and resemble them. 

This root is also found in the word “Medameh”, which can be translated as “Imagination”.
Imagination is intrinsically linked to resemblance. To imagine is to represent something in the mind. 
To imagine is to know how to reproduce—a function tied to the highest of the partsufim (“faces” of God), Atik (from “Lehaatik”: “To copy”, as the function of Atik is to reproduce below what is above so that all is One). 

As Aristotle says (Poetics, Chapter 4), man is the most imitative of animals. This natural inclination of man makes him love to create works and take pleasure in contemplating them. This disposition to create is tied to learning: every mimetic activity represents progress from the particular to the general. 
We learn, we perfect ourselves by reproducing, by repeating. Then we grow enough to create, to (re)produce. 

To create is to act. The sefira at the very bottom, Malchut, or the Kingdom, corresponds to the world of Action. Malchut is the Shechina, a feminine partsouf. 

To imagine is to know how to make connections, combinations, analogies. It is to know how to do the Tseruf, to link Atik to Malchut. 

Imagination allows us to produce. The mind creates reality. Imagination is creative, but it can also be destructive. Imagination can create the best or the worst. 
Some dream of a better world. 
Some live their dreams. 
Others dream their lives. 
Some imagine many things that have nothing to do with reality. For example, millions of Jews were killed because many people imagined things about them: that they controlled the world, etc. 
Beware of the harmful power of imagination, beware of confusion, lies, slander, conspiracy theories, etc.

Aminata Traoré, former Minister of Culture of Mali, wrote a book titled “Le viol de l’imaginaire” (The Rape of the Imagination), in which she explains that there is nothing more burdensome or alienating than an image of oneself and one’s place in the world nourished by the desires and discourse of others. The oppressive forces that control this world in exile seek to make Africa see itself as poor and act as a poor region. 

All the nations are within us. Africa (the dark part of our soul) must rediscover its own power of imagination, which involves refusing submission to Christianity and Islam, both of which have destroyed the continent. 

Rabbi Nachman of Breslov warned against the power of imagination. While he himself displayed much imagination in telling magnificent tales, he unfortunately also imagined many things unrelated to reality, leading some to idolize him—a tendency often found in Hasidism. 

“And I will speak to the prophets! I will multiply visions and, through the prophets, I will make myself known through images (Adameh).” (Hosea 12:11) 
וְדִבַּרְתִּי עַל הַנְּבִיאִים וְאָנֹכִי חָזוֹן הִרְבֵּיתִי וּבְיַד הַנְּבִיאִים אֲדַמֶּה 

The Rambam, in his Guide for the Perplexed (2:36), explains that prophecy results from the perfection of HaKoach HaMedameh, the imaginative faculty. 

“HaKoa’h HaMedameh” (“The Power of Imagination”) 
הכוח המדמה 
Ordinal Gematria = 70 
= Gematria of “Sod” (“Secret” in Hebrew) 

#Enigma #Gamine #Gemini #Aiming 

Imagination is often used for profit (television, cinema, etc.) and becomes destructive. 
Many people dream of becoming someone else; they are no longer themselves. Though each of us is unique, too many people are alike, living like sheep. 
The world has become too Cartesian. 
Yet the world needs extraordinary people, poets, dreamers, artists, and storytellers. We must take inspiration from children and never stop dreaming. 

Using one’s imagination with a pure heart is akin to prophesying, heralding the revelation of Malchut, the Kingdom. 

What is above is like what is below. 
What is beautiful is symmetrical. 
What is beautiful represents reality. 
The world is Israel. 
God and Israel are One. 

Abraham, Moses, David, Jacob, etc., never existed. They spring from our imagination. 
The same applies to Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha, Laozi, Krishna… 
Believers may rage against this idea, but it is reality. 
And this awareness will bring the Messiah, the Kingdom, and Peace to the world. 

We must love our neighbor as ourselves. 
We must copy Him, follow His way.
We must break the limits.

Religions are mere copies of ancient myths. Imitating in the wrong way means counterfeiting, plagiarizing. It is “anti-Malchut”.
The false New Torah, the New Testament, that of Jesus, of Rome, is a counterfeit. 
The true New Torah is that of Je Suis (I am) of Tsarfat (France). 

Neville Goddard, who wrote extensively on imagination, said that “divine and human imagination are one.” In the language of birds, his name can even be read as “God Art”.

Imagination allows magnification. 
Magnification through Tseruf, through French refinement. 
The Shechina says: “I am black, O daughters of Jerusalem, but I am beautiful” (Song of Songs 1:5). Yet the Messiah is a cleaner. He will tidy up because the world needs it, making it more beautiful. 
Adam, Man, is of indescribable beauty. 

Einstein, who could not have made his discoveries without his incredible imaginative power, said that imagination is more important than knowledge. 

Imagination enables innovation. 
It takes extraordinary imagination to create a New Torah, which is the Torah of the Messiah. According to Rav Kook, the Messiah will distinguish himself by his imagination. 

Indeed, most people imagine a savior outside themselves, but he is within us. You are the Messiah. You are God made man. 

Each of us must say: 
“I will be like the Most High” (“Edameh LeElyon,” Isaiah 14:14) 
אֶדַּמֶּה לְעֶלְיוֹן 
Gematria = 246 
= Gematria of “Lehair” (“To Illuminate”, Genesis 1:15) 
= “Marah” (“Mirror”) 
= “Rom” (“Exalted”, “Glorified”, “Magnified”) 

#BurningRom #Nero 

There is “Rom” and “Rome”. 

Rome must fall to reveal the Kingdom. 

“When the Lord brought back the captives of Zion, we were like dreamers.” (Psalms 126:1) 

Everything is an illusion. 
You dream of God, and He dreams of you. 

#Dream #Gnosis 

“Imagine there’s no countries 
It isn’t hard to do 
Nothing to kill or die for 
And no religion, too 
Imagine all the people 
Living life in peace 
You may say I’m a dreamer 
But I AM THE ONLY ONE” (New Torah)

Brahmi and Kharosthi

The earliest attestations of the ancient writing systems of India, Brahmi and Kharosthi, are found in the edicts of Emperor Ashoka from the 3rd century BCE.

Ashoka’s edicts are a collection of 33 inscriptions engraved on pillars, rocks, and in caves. These texts were dictated by Emperor Ashoka and spread throughout the Indian subcontinent during his reign over the Maurya Empire from 269 to 232 BCE. These inscriptions are the oldest decipherable historical records in India and the first to mention Buddhism.

The writings found in the eastern part of India are written in Magadhi using the Brahmi script. 
The western inscriptions are written in a language close to Sanskrit using the Kharosthi alphabet. 
Finally, a unique edict found in Kandahar, Afghanistan, is written in Greek and Aramaic.

Ashoka ruled over an empire extending from present-day Afghanistan to Bangladesh after waging war against the Kalinga state on India’s eastern coast. However, following the atrocities committed during this war, he converted to Buddhism and embraced non-violence. Calling himself “the friend of the gods,” he propagated his moral principles, based on kindness toward all living beings, across the empire through stone-engraved edicts.

Excerpt from an inscription of Ashoka:
“Eight years after his coronation, the king, friend of the gods, with a benevolent gaze, conquered Kalinga. One hundred and fifty thousand people were deported; one hundred thousand were killed; several times this number perished. Then, now that Kalinga is subdued, ardent are the practice of the Law, the love of the Law, the teaching of the Law for the friend of the gods. Regret holds the friend of the gods since he conquered Kalinga. Indeed, the conquest of an independent country means murder, death, or captivity for its people: a thought strongly felt by the friend of the gods, which weighs heavily upon him.”

The name “Ashoka” (अशोक) means “Absence of worry or suffering”.

Gematria = 412 
= Gematria of “Beit” (“House”) 

The world will know no more suffering when everyone comes home. 
During the Final Redemption, myths will no longer be used for political purposes or conquest. There will be no more borders. Everyone will live where their heart belongs. This is the lesson we can learn from Ashoka’s writings.

From Ashoka onward, Buddhism influenced regions as far as the Middle East, evident, for example, in the monasticism of the Essenes. Similarly, a Semitic script, Aramaic, influenced Asian writing systems via Brahmi, which spread widely, unlike Kharosthi. Brahmi is the ancestor of most scripts in India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Southeast Asia, and China.

The Buddhist texts of Gandhara, written in Kharosthi, were found near the city of Hadda in Afghanistan. Dating to the first century, they are the oldest known Buddhist manuscripts.

An analysis of the Kharosthi alphabet shows a clear relationship with the Aramaic alphabet, supplemented with additional symbols to represent Indian phonemes. Initially, it was written from right to left, as seems to be the case for the ancient Indus script, which remains undeciphered.

The word “Kharosthi” appears to derive from the Hebrew word “’Charoshet” (“Engraving”), from the root “’Charash” (“To engrave”). In Ancient Greek: Charasso (χαρασσω). 

The Brahmi alphabet, also influenced by Aramaic but to a lesser extent than Kharosthi, emerged around the same time in northern India, under the control of the Achaemenid Persian Empire.

“Brahmi” means “Originating from Brahman (the Universal Soul, the Absolute)”. 
Gematria = 257 

The first word in the Bible with a gematria value of 257 is “VaYomer” (“He said”) 

“God said: Let there be light! And there was light.” (Genesis 1:3) 
וַיֹּאמֶר אֱלֹהִים יְהִי אוֹר וַיְהִי אוֹר 

“To the sons of the concubines Abraham had, he gave gifts while he was still living, and he sent them away from his son Isaac eastward, to the land of Kedem.” (Genesis 25:6) 

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