The words “Messiah” and “Massage” share the same Semitic etymological origin:
– “Messiah” comes from the Hebrew “Mashiach”, whose root “Masha’h” (משח) means “to anoint”.
– The word “Massage” comes from the Arabic “Massa” (مَسَّ), which means “to palpate” or “to touch”.

The 2 letters Mesh+Shin indicates a movement of the hands. For example:
– “Masha”, which gave “Moshe” (“Moses”) in Hebrew, meaning “the one who was drawn from the waters” (משה).
– “Mashash” (“to feel,” “to palpate”) (משש).
– “Mashakh” (“to withdraw,” “to pull”) (משך).
– “Mashak” (“to pull upwards”) (משק).
We also find:
– “Moush” (“to touch,” “to remove”).
– “Meshi” (“silk”).
– “Mishosha” (“antenna” of an insect).
Even in Japanese, “Moshi Moshi!” (もしもし), meaning “Hello!” over the phone, corresponds to a hand movement (to pick up the phone).
We need to relax. Humanity needs a good massage to find Salvation.
The “Mah” (“What”) refers in Kabbalah to the lower world. What we need is a “Mah Sage”. The greatest lights are not found in the heavens but on Earth, in the material world, in the body. Each part of the body corresponds to one of the 10 sefirot.
Enough pain. Let us seek well-being. Every part of our body contains Divine Light, every part symbolizes an Eternal Truth, every part sends us an infinite number of messages.
There are false messiahs just as there are false massage parlors. We must remain vigilant.
A real massage seeks both physical and mental well-being. Through physical contact, we learn greater awareness: of ourselves, of others, and of the Greater Whole. We become gods.
Massage is the secret to a lasting couple.
As the Baal Shem Tov said, humanity will be saved through language, through words. We must clarify things. Illuminate the Davar (word) through Dibour (speech).
The word “Mashiach” in Hebrew, contrary to popular belief, does not mean “The One who is anointed” (which would instead be “Mashuach”) but “The One who anoints”:
The Messiah is the one who acts.
The true Messiah is therefore a Messenger, a Massager. He massages the crowds: his message touches them.
People are currently too tense. At the Salvation of Humanity, during the Messianic revelation, everything will finally become more relaxed.