There is a universal story buried deep in Humanity’s unconscious: the story of the Lamb.

“Lamb” is “Taleh” in Hebrew.
Classic gematria = 44
= gematria of “Dam”, meaning “Blood”
Ordinal gematria = 26
= gematria of the Name of God, YHVH
Opposing forces truncate the divine archetypes within us, transforming them into fables and religions. They manipulate the universal messages arising from our collective unconscious to turn people into sheep.
The prime example is the fable of the mythical character Jesus, the “Anus Dei”, which resulted in 2000 years of spiritual waste and obscurantism. False beliefs must be purged through the dechristianization of society for Humanity to find salvation. Jesus is the Anus Dei: a path, a passage—but one of waste.
The True Lamb is the passage toward Light, the “Je suis” / “I AM”: the realization of the Self.
The transition from darkness to Light is symbolized by Passover, the celebration of spring, rebirth, and the victory of life over death.
“Passover” comes from the Latin “Pascua”, derived from the Ancient Greek “Páskha” (Πάσχα), and the Hebrew “Pessach” meaning “to pass over”.
Let us be passers. Let us be those who transcend the masses to find their own path—let us be “Hebrews”, a name that etymologically means “those who cross” or “those who pass through”.
We must not confuse verbs:
– The “Je suis” of the French verb “Suivre” (“To follow”).
– The “Je suis” of the verb “Être” (“To be”).
You cannot achieve self-realization by being a follower—a sheep.
Let’s go.
The True JE SUIS is the Lamb, the “Taleh”.
In French, “Talé” means “Bruised” or “Marked by blows”.
For God, the Seigneur (“Lord”, not the “Saigneur” / “Slayer”), humbles Himself in this world. He is found among the lowly, the excluded, the persecuted, the scapegoats, taking the blows.
“Lamb”= “L’Un” (“The One” in French) + “B”, referring to the letter Beit, symbolizing interiority = the One God within.
The word “Lamb” in English also refers to someone “Naive” (translated as “Peti” in Hebrew).
In this world, God makes Himself “Petit” (“Small”). It’s a test.
How do you act toward what seems weak, naive, or powerless?
How do you treat the poor, the strangers, the sick?
How do you celebrate the passage from darkness to Light?
How do you treat animals?
In our world of exile, many prefer the “Méchoui” (barbecued whole lamb) to the Mashiach. Many celebrate Passover by devouring parts of the corpse of an innocent little animal—they love rare lamb.
For millennia, people have been led to believe that sacrificing the symbol of purity and innocence pleases the Divine—an utter inversion of values. Religions will be unveiled as tools of wolves in sheep’s clothing.
Humanity must take the path of vegetarianism and veganism.
Let us be “Pas Sang” (“No Blood”).
#Passant #PasserBy