
It was in Israel, a country at the forefront of agricultural innovation, that the cultivation of tomatoes experienced a revolution. Many varieties were developed there, including the famous cherry tomatoes.

“Tomato” is called “Agvaniya” in Hebrew. 
Full Gematria = 777 
עין גימל בית נון יוד יוד הא 

777th verse of the Torah: 
“The Almighty God will bless you, make you fruitful and multiply you, and you shall become a congregation of peoples.” (Genesis 28:3)

“Agvaniot” (“Tomatoes”) 
Gematria = 541 
= gematria of Israel 


The number 7 represents harmony, fullness, abundance. Tomato plants are especially sensitive to melodies.

In the Garden of Eden, where the heavenly melody reigns, there is no need for fertilizers. The science of plant song will bring Salvation to Humanity.

Shabbat, the 7th day of the week, is a “blessed” day. It corresponds to the sefirah Malkhut, the Shekhina (Divine Presence), and the world of Assiah (our world, the world of Action).

“Tomato” is “Tomate” in French.
“To mate” : to unite, to pair. Each of us is destined to reach the Shabbat of Humanity, which is the union with the Shechina.


The Shechina is said to come from the west. The tomato, originally from South America, took time to be appreciated in Europe. Its leaves smell unpleasant, and it was once considered cursed and toxic, being in the same family as belladonna. But the Shekhina veils herself… appearances can be deceiving. The “Pomme d’or” also called the “love apple”, began its conquest in Italy, Provence, France during the Revolution, and eventually the entire world.

The tomato is spherical in shape, symbolizing femininity. The revelation of the Shechina in alchemy corresponds to the Red Work, the color of the tomato. “Red” is “Adom” in Hebrew, containing the word “Dam,” which means “Blood.” 

The tomato has the color of blood—a dynamic symbol. It is not a “vegetable” but a fruit, a tangible result of an effort.