
The Indo-European root “Bel” means “To swell”, “To grow bigger”, “To become angry”, among other things. “Bel” has given rise to words such as Ball, Bull, Ballot, Phallus, Belgian, Bolchevik, “Blague” (“Joke” in French), and many more. 

Baal was the name of a storm and fertility god worshipped by many ancient Middle Eastern civilizations, particularly the Canaanites and Phoenicians. “Baal” can be translated as “Lord”, “Master”, “Owner”, or “Husband”. Baal was often associated with the bull, a symbol of creative force and power, whose bellowing resembles thunder.

In Greek mythology, Europa was a Phoenician princess who was abducted and raped by Zeus, who had transformed into a bull for the occasion. 

Originally, in Proto-Sinaitic script, the letter Aleph depicted a bull’s head. Over time, as it “migrated westward”, this symbol rotated and evolved into the letter A in the Latin alphabet. 

The bull’s horns symbolize man’s triumph over the animal. Symbolically, humans overcome and subdue their animalistic soul through language, transforming the bull into Aleph—a crown. The Toro becomes Torah.

The root “Erev” in Semitic languages means “Evening”, “West”, and carries the idea of “Movement” or “Passage”. The words “Europe” and “Arab” may share a common etymology. 

In Hebrew, the root “Bela” means “To swallow” or “To engulf”. 
#Baal #Balaam #Balak #Belial #Balagan

Gematria = 302
= Gematria of”Brussels”

Elephant (The Aleph in the Room)

“In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth” (Genesis 1:1) 
בְּרֵאשִׁית בָּרָא אֱלֹהִים אֵת הַשָּׁמַיִם וְאֵת הָאָרֶץ

The Torah begins with the letter Beit. 
Why doesn’t it begin with Aleph, the first letter of the alphabet? 
Because it is up to Man to find the One.

Man must find the Aleph in the Beit, Unity in Duality, Light in Darkness. This is in order to build a “Beit,” a “House,” a Residence for the Divine Presence. 
One must find the Divine in the animal soul, the Aleph in the Beast.

Gematria = 26

The name of God YHVH is found in the letter Aleph, the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet.

The letter Aleph is formed by two Yuds, two points, connected by the letter Vav.

Yud + Yud + Vav 
= 10 + 10 + 6 
= 26


Likewise, the two tusks of the elephant correspond to the two Yuds and the trunk to the Vav. 
The name of God, which is One, Aleph, is thus reflected through the elephant. 
One must find the Aleph in the Beast.

Originally, the letter Aleph did not represent an elephant but a head of an ox. The ox, larger and more powerful than other livestock, enabled man to plow and eat. It held a central place in human life, so it is only natural that its symbol is found in the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet.

Aleph, or the root Aleph-Lamed-Pe, can mean: 
1) “Cattle”, “Ox” (examples: Deuteronomy 7:13, Psalms 8:8) 
2) “Learn”, “Associate with”, “Copy,” “Reproduce” (Job 33:33, Proverbs 22:25) 
3) “Thousand” (Genesis 20:16, Exodus 12:37) 
4) “Multiply”, “Reproduce” (Psalms 144:13) 
5) “Champion”, “Leader”, “Captain” (Genesis 36:15)

The Indo-European root “Alp” means “Height,” “Mountain.” We find it in words referring to something large. For example, it appears in the name of Mount Olympus or the Alps and their many alpine pastures (used for cattle, sheep, and goats). 
In Ancient Greek, “Eléphas” (ἐλέφας) means “Elephant”; and “Elaphos” (ἔλαφος) means “Deer” another large animal.

Ganesh (Ganesha, Ganapati, Vinayaka, Pillayar), the elephant-headed god, grew up in the Himalayas. The son of Shiva and Parvati, he holds an important place in the Hindu pantheon.

Ganesh is the god of wisdom, education, prudence, and the patron of schools. He is linked to beginnings. He removes obstacles to allow progress and construction. His lower half is human, while his upper half, his head, is divine. He has his head in the heavens but his feet on the earth.

A deity represents spiritual energy, and Ganesh symbolizes the union of the macrocosm and the microcosm, the divine and the human.

The name of Ganesh is composed of “Gana” गण and “Isha” ईश.

“Gana”, in Sanskrit, means “Multitude”, “Assembly”, “Category” .
The Ganas are the many small genies, servants of Shiva. They represent the elements that make up nature and a person’s temperament: our ego.

The term “Isha”, on the other hand, means “Lord”, “Master”.

Ganesh / Ganesha is therefore the Master of the Ganas, the one who has learned to master his ego, which deceives him.

The elephant is a bulldozer. It is the inner strength we multiply by removing the greatest obstacle: the ego.


Despite its imposing size, the elephant is a peaceful animal. It is not a predator (unless provoked).

Removing the obstacle of the ego allows us to settle, to return home, to be at ease. We must stop being “heavy” and, for that, reveal the Being, the transcended ego. Be Light.

Tame the beast, the ego. Transcend it to make it a servant of your Beit, your House!

Kingship is embodied by David, whose ancestor is Peretz. Why is he called that? During birth, his twin stuck out his hand, then Peretz shoved him aside and came out first, and the midwife exclaimed: “With what violence you make a Breach (Peretz)!” (Genesis 38:29)

Who is the master, the king? It is the one who makes a breach (“HaMelekh Poretz”) to make a way, and no one can resist him. (cf. Talmud, Sanhedrin 20b). The king is the Aleph.

Mashiach is the one who breaks the obstacle of the ego.

The elephant and its symbolism give us the keys to pass through the Alephs and end the exile of Rome.


Ganesh and the Mashiach are symbols representing spiritual forces. 
Aleph in: the One is within us. The Aleph is within us. Mashiach is within us, and it is up to each one of us to begin the Final Redemption today, at this very moment.

Ganesha (original Sanskrit pronunciation) 
Gematria = 358 
= gematria of “Mashiach” 


“Ganesha” in Hebrew contains the same letters (Nun, Gimel, Heh, and Shin) found on the spinning tops of Chanukkah, associated with the letters and the children, like the elephants.

#EL #Enfants

Ness Gadol Haya Sham = a BIG miracle happened there.

Jewish tradition emphasizes the importance of the “Nose of the Mashiach”, and the sense of smell connects us more directly to our neshama (soul) than the other senses.

#G #Nose #Knows #NewNose #NewBorn #Bar

“Chedek” (“Trunk”) 
Gematria = 112 
= gematria of the two names of God combined, YHVH (26) and Elohim (86) 
יהוה אלהים

#Maya #IAM #Aleph

“Ivory” is called “Shenhav” in Hebrew. 
Gematria with the kolel (+1) = 358 
= gematria of “Mashiach” 
Humanity will never win the Grail, the World Cup, without defense. It must learn to play as a team. We must think collectively.

The island of Elephantine is an island in Egypt located on the Nile where a significant Jewish community lived. A temple dedicated to YHVH was built there, and sacrifices were made on the altar as in Jerusalem. 
The numerous papyri from Elephantine reveal that the story of Moses was not yet known at the time, about 2500 years ago, and that the Jews worshipped other gods such as Anat and Ashim.

Ganesh was born thanks to his mother Parvati, who fashioned him alone, without his father Shiva. 
One day, Shiva returned home, and little Ganesh, who didn’t know him, was guarding the door while his mother was bathing. Ganesh prevented him from entering.

Result: his father cut off his head. Parvati arrived, and when she learned he had killed their son, she angrily ordered him to restore life to their child. Thus, Shiva replaced Ganesh’s head with that of an elephant.

The elephant has a special relationship with the Mother (the sefirah Bina in Kabbalah). 
The social structure of elephants is also matriarchal. 
A connection with the Mother also means a connection with Water, Memory, Home, Education, Childhood, etc.

The Mala, a symbol of Ganesh, is a rosary representing the 50 letters of the Sanskrit alphabet. 
50 is also, according to Kabbalah, the number of Gates of Bina (Knowledge).

“Elephant” is called “Pil” in Hebrew. 
In Tamil, “Pil” (பீள்) means “Fetus,” “Embryo”; and “Pila” (பிற) means “Born.” 
The word “Pillai” (பிள்ளை) can refer to a young animal, like a baby elephant.

“Aleph,” the first letter of the alphabet, and “Eleph” (“Thousand”) are written the same way: an elephant deceives, a thousand elephants deceive greatly. 

#Eleph #One

Full gematria of the letter Aleph 
= 1 + 30 + 80 = 111 

“Pil” (“Elephant”) 
Ordinal gematria = 39 
= gematria of “YHVH E’had” (“God is One”) 
יהוה אחד

“Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh” (“I am that I am,” Exodus 3:14) 
אהיה אשר אהיה 
Initials = Aleph Aleph Aleph = AAA 

#AlephOne #Pillar #InnerStrength #TheRightBattery #RunningRabbi

“Begin each day a new life.” (Rabbi Nachman of Breslov)


“Pil” (“Elephant”) 
Gematria = 120 
= gematria of “Amud” (“Pillar”) 


Elephants are known for having an excellent memory. Likewise, a pile is a memory location defined by two terminals. 
The word “Pile” comes from the Latin “Pila” (“Pillar”). A pile is an assembly of elements stacked one on top of the other to form a column. It converts chemical energy into electrical energy.

The Aleph is a pile.

#Pil #Piles #AAA #AlephAlephAleph #Alephim #InnerStrength

The Alephs, the Elves, they represent inner strength, hidden forces in nature, the interiority of the earth, the essence of everything that allows us to move forward.

A pile is inner energy. It is small, but it must not be forgotten. 
Pile is the opposite of face: what is “pile” (exact in French) hides in the interiority of things.

The god Ganesh is also called “Yagnakaya,” “He who loves fire”: Homas, fire rituals, are dedicated to him. 
In Hebrew, “Esh” means fire. 
Gematria = 301 
= AtBash gematria (reversed values / Bina) of “Ganesha” 

Ganesh is the favorite god of children, and in India, it is customary to offer him sweets.

In Ganesh, there is the word “Gan,” which means “Garden,” but also “Kindergarten” in Hebrew. 

#ELEnfants #Élèves

The root Aleph/Lamed/Peh, the Elephant, and Ganesh are all related to learning, education, and wisdom.

“If not, it is for you to listen to me; be silent, and I will teach you wisdom.” (Job 33:33) 
אִם אַיִן אַתָּה שְׁמַע לִי הַחֲרֵשׁ וַאֲאַלֶּפְךָ חָכְמָה

Everything begins in Gan Eden, in the garden. If you have a good memory… 
In kindergarten, the small garden, we begin by learning the Aleph. And we often make mistakes.

In the Gan, we are subject to the teacher, to the matrix, and a person must work on themselves, eventually rebelling against authority to leave childhood and become an adult.

There are 2 hypotheses about the etymology of the Latin word “Elementum”, which is the origin of the word “Element.” 
The first is that the word “Elementum” originally came from the Greek “Elephas”, because, in ancient times, the letters of the alphabet were often engraved on small ivory tablets for educational purposes. 
The second hypothesis suggests that the word Elementum contains the first three letters of the second part of the alphabet: Lamed Mem Nun / LMN.

Classic gematria = 120 
= classic gematria of “Pil” (“Elephant”) 
Ordinal gematria = 39 
= ordinal gematria of “Pil” 
= gematria of “YHVH Echad” (“God is One”) 
יהוה אחד


Mashiach is Elephant Man: during the exile, the messianic dimension is hidden. It is not always pleasant to see at first because it challenges our beliefs, our prejudices.


“See, my servant shall prosper; he shall be exalted and lifted up, and shall be very high. 
As many were astonished at you—his appearance was so marred, beyond human semblance, and his form beyond that of the children of mankind— 
so shall he sprinkle many nations; kings shall shut their mouths because of him, for that which has not been told them they see, and that which they have not heard they understand. 
Who has believed what he has heard from us? And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed? 
For he grew up before him like a young plant, and like a root out of dry ground; he had no form or majesty that we should look at him, and no beauty that we should desire him. 
He was despised and rejected by men; a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief, and as one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not.” (Isaiah 52:13-53:3)

“I am not an elephant! I am not an animal! I am a human being! I am a man!” (Elephant Man)

#RevelationOfMashiach #AlephInMan #TrueStory

Listen to the inner sound, Man!

The elephant has big ears because the Aleph listens to us.

An Oliphant is the name given to musical instruments made from horn, sometimes crafted from an elephant tusk (hence the name).


The elephant trumpets.

In Hebrew, “Bari” means “In good health”, “Big”. 

In Aramaic, “Bar” means “Son”.

The Son, in Kabbalah, corresponds to Zeir Anpin / Small Face, in the world of Yetsira (Formation), and to the Vav of YHVH, the 6 sefirot related to Midot (character traits): it is the Big Partsuf.

To prepare for the Bar Mitzvah, which is a new beginning, boys learn to read Hebrew / the Torah.

#Sweets #BabarMitzvah

The gods of Hindu mythology each have their Vahana (Vehicle / Mount), and Ganesh’s Vahana is the mouse Mushika.

The Vahana allows a god’s strength to multiply, and Ganesh, by aligning with his opposite, finds, thanks to the mouse, the ability to slip through the smallest gaps. 
The mouse is indeed connected to the Home.

“Mi” means “Who” in Hebrew and represents the World Above in Kabbalah, opposite “Ma,” the “What,” the World Below.

Mi = Key

Man’s work on Earth is to create a “Residence” for the Divine, a “House”

Mi – Key – Ma – House


#KeyToTheHouse #UnionOfOpposites #HouseOfMiKey

During the Final Redemption, the big Beit will no longer fear the small: the Aleph will no longer fear the Beit. 
The Aleph, the One, will reign at the House.



In Greek, “Tora” (τώρα) means “Now.” 

“Now” is “Achshav” in Hebrew. 
עין כף שן יוד וו 
Full Gematria = 612 
= Gematria of “Torah” with the kolel (611 + 1) 

To fully embrace God’s Present, one must learn not to dwell on yesterday or worry about tomorrow but instead enjoy the present moment, the “Tora”. The Messiah will come “today if we listen to the voice of God” (cf. Talmud Sanhedrin 98a). 


“Gift” means “poison” in German. 
A “Present” (gift) in Hebrew is “Matana”. Israelis often have a hard time pronouncing “Maintenant” (“Now” in French): they pronounce it “Matana”.

YHVH is written with the letters Yod, Heh, Vav, and Heh. 
– The Yod in God’s name represents a “gift”. 
– The first Heh symbolizes the giving hand. 
– The Vav represents transmission. 
– The second Heh signifies the receiving hand. 

“T’auras!”, pronounced like “Torah” means “You will have” in French. God is Present among us. 



The name “Buddha”, from Sanskrit बुद्ध (“the Awakened One”), originates from the Indo-European root “Bewd” (“To awaken”, “To become conscious”), derived from “Buh”, which also gave rise to “To be” in English. This root appears in words like “Bud” and “Body.”

#Be #Light

The title of Buddha refers to one who has achieved enlightenment, transcending the duality of Samsara and Nirvana, Being and Non-Being, “Ani and Ein” (the “I” and the “Nothing”).
אין אני

Gematria = 22 (number of letters in the Hebrew alphabet) 
= Gematria of “Yachad” (“Together”) 
= Gematria of “Becha” (“In you”) 
= Ordinal Gematria of the letter Tav (“Sign”, “Mark”) 

According to the Sefer Yetsira, there are 32 paths of Wisdom corresponding to the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet and the 10 sefirot.

In Buddhism, the “Awakened Body”, the “Great Man”—that is, the “Buddha”—has 32 major physical characteristics, along with 80 minor marks, totaling 112 marks.

The number 112, in Gematria, represents the union of the divine names YHVH and Elohim, symbolizing the union of Heaven and Earth, Masculine and Feminine, Transcendent and Immanent, etc.

YHVH Elohim 
יהוה אלהים 
Gematria = 112 

“Bud Light”


The Lightning Rod

The lightning rod is designed to protect from the effects of lightning. It symbolizes the messianic consciousness, the “Lightning Rod” that connects Heaven and Earth, that protects others by drawing danger or suspicious upon himself.

“Kali Barak” (“Lightning Rod”)
כליא ברק
Gematria = 363
= Gematria of “HaMashiach” (“The Messiah”)


The word “Psychedelic” comes from Ancient Greek: “Psychẽ” (ψυχή), meaning “Soul” / “Spirit”, and “Dẽloun” (δηλοῦν), meaning “Reveal.”

“Psychẽ” derives from the verb “Psukhein”, which means “To Breathe”.

In Hebrew, “Psychedelic” is “Psychedeli”.
Gematria = 214 
= Gematria of “Ruach” (“Wind”, “Breath,” “Spirit”) 

“Stone” in Hebrew is “Even”.
The first two letters of “Evene”, Aleph and Beit, form the word “Av”, meaning “Father.”
The last two letters, Beit and Nun, form the word “Ben”, meaning “Son”.

The Stone is psychedelic: it reveals the Soul.

#PsychedelicRock #TheWorldIsStone

The root of all illness is the ego, which veils the soul. The best remedy is “psychedelic” experiences, those that “reveal the soul.”

“Psyché d’Eli” : The Soul of Eli

Qi Gong

Qi Gong (氣功) is a traditional Chinese exercise and a breathing science based on the knowledge and mastery of the Vital Breath.

Qi Gong
צ’י קונג 
Ordinal Gematria = 70 
= Gematria of “Sod” (“Secret”) 

Qi / Ch’i (氣) represents the Inner Vital Breath we must learn to master.

Gematria = 100 
= 10 x 10 Sefirot 
= Gematria of “Lekh Lekha” (“Go to yourself”, see Genesis 12:1) 
לך לך 

Mastering one’s Qi involves going toward oneself.

The verb “to breathe” originates from the Latin “spiro”, which evokes the Hebrew “Sefirot.”

“Xin” means “New” in Chinese 

The letter “Shin” is associated with newness, as found in Hebrew roots like “Shinouy” (“Change”), “Leshanot” (“To change”),… 

After the Chinese Virus, the Shinese Vaccine!

#NewShin #NewTorah 

“…and the Spirit of Elohim hovered over the surface of the waters.” (Genesis 1:2) 
וְרוּחַ אֱלֹהִים מְרַחֶפֶת עַל פְּנֵי הַמָּיִם 

**”Ruach Elohim” (“The Spirit of God”)** 
רוח אלהים 
Gematria = 300 
= Gematria of the letter Shin 

#Keter #Crown #Corona #PneumAtik #ShineseMedicine

At the time of Deliverance, a new letter will be revealed: the 23rd of the Hebrew alphabet—the four-pronged Shin. Humanity will be complete.

“HaAdam” (“The Human”)
Ordinal Gematria = 23 
“HaAdam” (“The Human”) = Adam + the letter Heh, the 4th letter of YHVH, Malkhut: the Human and their inner world (the feminine dimension) become One.

“China” is pronounced “Sin” in Hebrew. 

“The Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them.” (Genesis 3:21)

#flESH #Skin #Shine #WallOfSin 

The letter Shin corresponds to fire.

In Hebrew, “Skin” and “Light” are written and pronounced almost similarly: “Or.”

Skin = ‘Or (עור) 
Light = Or (אור) 

In Rabbi Meir’s Sefer Torah, “Skin” was written as “Light.”

#Meir #Light 

The English words “To Shine” and “Skin” share the same Indo-European root (“Skai”), found in many languages.

To free the Princess (the Shekhina, Divine Presence), we must defeat the Dragon.

The word “Dragon” comes from the Greek verb “Derkomai” (δέρκομαι), meaning “To see”, “To gaze piercingly.”

In Chinese, “Dragon” is “Lóng” (龙), a character used in Alain Delon’s Chinese name: 
阿兰·德龙 (“Ā lán dé lóng”).

Etymologically, “Dragon” can mean “To draw toward oneself” (for clearer vision).

#DragOn  #TheSeducer #FrenchLover

To no longer be “Alain DeLoin” (“far away”), to see clearly, one must connect.

In French, “Co” is the apocope (elision) of “Connection.” 
The sound “Co,” written as Kaf + Vav, refers to the name of God YHVH (Gematria 26) 
“Vid” is the apocope of “Video.”

Eye + Eye = Two Yods = Aleph

#I #Eye #Aïe 

The Chinese are many. “Sinim,” meaning “Chinese” in Hebrew, is an anagram of “Nissim” (“Miracles” in plural), referring to the “many miracles of God” that we will soon witness. 

In the Final Deliverance, we will all have the “CoVid.” Our eyes will be opened. We will see the Divine. Together.

In the Final Deliverance, the Chinese communist dictatorship will have fallen, and the Chinese people will return to their roots, to the Dao (道). The New China and the New Shin will shine.

Qi = 100

Qi x 3 = 300 = “Ruach Elohim” (“Spirit of God”) 
רוח אלהים 

According to Jewish tradition, something repeated three times becomes a Chazaka, a confirmed state.

#ThreeKingdoms #Shin 

= Gematria of the letter Kuf 

When you have a respiratory illness, you cough.

“Kuf! Kuf! Kuf!” = Three Gorges Dam


Qi is within us and all around us. When we master our energy, we can illuminate. The one with good Qi is a Light. Reflect deeply.

The letter Kuf is the only non-final letter that descends below the writing line. It originally represents a Monkey. 
The Zohar speaks of it negatively (Zohar I 2b): it is a letter of falsehood because it mimics, it “apes” the letter Heh, a letter of God’s name. It is a counterfeit “Made in Sin”.


According to the Letters of Rabbi Akiva, the word “Kadosh” (“Holy”) begins with the letter Kuf, a letter that refers to the Eternal, as it is written: 
“Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts! The whole earth is full of His glory!” (Isaiah 6:3) 
קָדוֹשׁ קָדוֹשׁ קָדוֹשׁ יְהוָה צְבָאוֹת מְלֹא כָל הָאָרֶץ כְּבוֹדוֹ 

Life is a Journey to the West, where the Shechina is.

“In your present state, ‘your disaster is as great as the sea’ (see Lamentations 2:13). And if you refuse to rise and heal, Who will heal you? For the ultimate confined level, where all stands, will heal and uplift you” (Zohar, Bereshit 1b).

#DW #שם #HaShem #DrQi #DrWho #WHO #Wuhan 

Full Gematria of the letter Kuf = 186 
= Gematria of “Makom” (“Place,” one of the names of God) 

= 10 + 5 + 6 + 5 

10×10 + 5×5 + 6×6 + 5×5 
= 100 + 25 + 36 + 25 
= 186 

According to the Ari Zal (see also Midrash Bereshit Rabba 68:9), the mystical meaning of the letter Kuf is in: “There is a place near me.” (Exodus 33:21) 
הִנֵּה מָקוֹם אִתִּי 

“Gong” (功 pronounced “Kong”) means “Work.” Qi Gong is thus the Work of the Inner Breath.

We are “saved by the Gong”: through the work we do on ourselves.

When he masters Qi, Man elevates the lower waters, lifting the Kuf to the dimension of Keter, the Crown.

He becomes a King. Through self-mastery, Man becomes King Kong that nothing can stop.



“Sat” means “Truth” in Hindi and Punjabi; and “Naam” means “Name.” 
Thus, “Sat Naam” designates the “True Name,” the True Being in Indian culture, especially among Sikhs. 
ਸਤਿ ਨਾਮੁ 

“Sat Naam”
סאט נאם 
Ordinal Gematria = 53 
= Ordinal Gematria of “Torah” 

#CyclicTorah #SikhTorah

“Sa Ta Na Ma” is a mantra in Kirtan Kriya, one of the meditations of Kundalini Yoga. 
Based on “Sat Naam,” “Sa Ta Na Ma” is the “Bij Mantra” (“Seed Mantra”), the “seed sound” of “Sat Naam”.

In Sanskrit, Sa, Ta, Na, and Ma represent: Birth, Life, Death, and Rebirth. 
स त न म 
“Sat Naam,” the “True Name”, is the Cycle of Life, of the inner and outer Universe.

“Laisse faire” (“Let it be” in French, sounding like “Lucifer”): ignore the world’s noise and listen to the quiet inner voice, the voice of your soul. Let it be, and through the pact with Sat Naam, you will become a Bearer of Light.

Kundalini (कुण्डलिनी) refers to a powerful spiritual energy coiled (spiraling like a serpent around a tree) at the base of the spine. When awakened, it flows like a river through the Chakras.

Gematria = 260 
= Name of God YHVH (26) x 10 Sephirot 

The first word in the Bible with a value of 260 is “HaNahar” (“The River”) 

“Mashiach” (“Messiah”)
Gematria = 358 
= Gematria of “Nachash” (“Serpent”) 

Everything will reverse. You wanted the Messiah, but you will encounter the Serpent itself!

It is through the Serpent that Humanity will enter a New Age—the Age of Final Redemption, thanks to a New Torah: the Torah of SaTaNaMa.


Mazda is a Japanese automobile manufacturer.

The origin of the brand name comes, first, from the Japanese pronunciation of its founder’s name, Matsuda (松田), and also from the ancient Persian deity Ahura Mazda, the “Wise Lord”.

Mazda in Hebrew is an anagram of “Zeh Adam” (“This is Man”). 
= זה אדם 

Mazda’s slogan is “Drive together.”

In Mazda, the letter D is written in uppercase. D as in “Deity”. True Wisdom is about finding God within ourselves.

#D #Matsa #Adam


“Mashal HaMeara” (“Allegory of the Cave”)
משל המערה
Ordinal Gematria = 105
= Gematria of “Logos”

“Meara” (“Cave” or “Grotto”)
Gematria = 315
= Gematria of “HaYesh” (“The Ego”)

The Logos emerges from a cave, from the womb of the ego.

In the cave or the matrix, a person believes. Once outside, he knows. But the journey is not complete—far from it. Now he must return to the cave to free those still in darkness. The Light can be blinding. The truth may provoke fear, and those in darkness can easily reject it. Socrates says they might even kill the one who brings the Light.

“Aflatun” (“Plato” in Hebrew)
Classical Gematria = 176
= Gematria of “Even HaChakhamim” (“Philosopher’s Stone”), which originally is Plato’s “Materia Prima.”
אבן החכמים

There is no authentic Kabbalah without Plato and Neoplatonism.