Orbi Est Or Bi

The Latin word “Orbi” means “Earth”, “World”, “Circular Surface”, “Universe”.

In Hebrew, “Or Bi” means the “Light in me”
אור בי
Ordinal gematria = 39
= gematria of “YHVH Echad” (“God is One”)
יהוה אחד

All nations are within us. It is up to us to illuminate them in order to find universal and inner peace. To achieve this, we need to speak and pronounce things correctly: we need a blessing.

“Orbi Est Or Bi”: The world is my Light.

The world is my Light.
I illuminate all the facets of the Universe,
I am the Light of the world.

“Or HaOlam” (“The Light of the World”)
אור העולם
Gematria = 358
= gematria of “Mashiach” (“Messiah”)