Lamb of God
לאמב אוף גוד
Gematria = 173
= gematria of “Alpha VeOmega” (“Alpha and Omega”)
אלפא ואומגה

#AgnusDei #AlphaAndOmega #LoG #SacréMent #NewTorah #SuisMoi #FollowMeInHell #IAMJeSuis
Lamb of God is an American metal band from Virginia. They are the spiritual sons of Pantera.
Lamb of God
לאמב אוף גוד
Ordinal Gematria = 65
= ordinal gematria of “Pantera”
= gematria of the name of God “Adonai”

#Pantera #AParent #ExplicitLyrics
Before being called Lamb of God, the group was called Burn the Priest.
Burn the Priest: Kill the priest within you, i.e. religious darkness, and you will become a Being of Light.

#BurnThePriest #BurnAgain #BornAgain
We must “kill Jesus”: killing incarnate evil means destroying the foundations of the Abrahamic religions to move on to a New Era, a New Age, a New Torah.
We must kill Jesus: we must refuse the current order of things to move to a New World Order.
It is necessary to kill Jesus to transform the darkness into I AM, “Jesus” into “JE SUIS”.

#JeSuisUn #IAmOne