The Torah, New Testament, and Quran are collections of tales, myths and legends.
Most of religious leaders are wolves disguised as lambs.
Let us find the light of God in this Shadow.
“Time” as in “Once upon a time” is “Fois” in French which sounds exactly like “Foi” (“Faith”).
Il était une FOI…
ONE upon a time…
Many literary creations featuring a Jewish superhero named Yeshua, aka Jesus, were produced around 2000 years ago, but only the four canonical Gospels achieved the fame we know today.
The Gospel writers created characters inspired by both real and imaginary figures.
For example, John the Baptist draws inspiration from a “baptizer” similar to the Banos mentioned by Flavius Josephus.
Among the real figures used to construct the Jesus myth are Judas of Galilee and his crucified sons, the false messiahs mentioned by Flavius Josephus, the healer Yeshua ben Stada/Pantera, Apollonius of Tyana, Shimon Bar Kokhba, etc.
Among the imaginary figures inspiring Jesus are Osiris, Dionysus, Mithras, Tammuz, Attis, and others.
Gematria of God’s Name YHVH = 26
In Judeo-Christian mythology, Miriam (Mary) is the consort of Yeshua (Jesus).
“Yeshua Miriam” (“Jesus Mary”)
ישוע מרים
Gematria = 676
26 x 26
“Yeshua Miriam Yosef” (“Jesus Mary Joseph”)
ישוע מרים יוסף
Gematria = 832
Only one verse in the Torah has a gematria of 832:
“The LORD is a warrior; the LORD is His Name!” (Exodus 15:3)
יהוה איש מלחמה יהוה שמו
“Lechem” (“Bread”) and “Milchamah” (“War”) share the same root in Hebrew. They are both connected to eternal life.
Bread also metaphorically refers to sex (Talmud Sanhedrin 75a, Yevamot 37b, Shabbat 140b, etc.).
Make love, not war!
#WarBread #BeitLechem
The fictional character of Yeshua symbolizes in Kabbalah the partsuf Zeir Anpin, the Small Face, the “impatient knight” who fights to free the Princess, the Shechinah (Divine Presence). Yeshua/Zeir Anpin is the letter Vav, the blade of the sword:
“The sword of the Holy One, blessed be He, is formed from the Tetragrammaton: the Yod is the hilt, the Vav the blade, and the two Hehs the two edges.” (Zohar III, 274b)
For 2000 years, the spirit of Satan has said: “I did not come to bring peace, but the sword.”
In truth, the Mashiach, the true Messiah, will bring both peace AND the sword: the word “Shalom” (“Peace”) in Hebrew is one of God’s names, as is the word “Sword”.
“The sword of the Holy One, blessed be He, is formed from the Tetragrammaton: the Yod is the hilt, the Vav the blade, and the two Hehs the two edges.” (Zohar III, 274b)
When we wage war against our negative traits and improve ourselves, Yeshua/Zeir Anpin shines, becoming the “Light of the World”.
“Or HaOlam” (“The Light of the World”)
אור העולם
Gematria = 358
= gematria of “Mashiach” (“Messiah”)
According to the Bible, Adam, the Man, was created on the 6th day.
The number 6, like the number of days of Creation before the Shabbat, represents Materialization.
Six is the letter Vav, the 6th letter of the Hebrew alphabet. The Vavim are the hooks used in the Temple. The letter Vav serves as a conjunction (“And”) and links words together.
Six is Yesod, the sefira corresponding to Sex and to Yossef (Joseph).
Gematria = 156
= YHVH (26) x 6
#Tsadick #ZyunInZion
“If we…” is “Im anachnu…” in Hebrew (“Si on” in French).
אם אנחנו
Gematria = 156
= gematria of “Tsion” (“Zion”)
Si on…
Yes Oui Ken!
(“Ken” means “Yes” in Hebrew.)
At the Salvation of Humanity, we will all revel in the Divine Presence revealed within us.
Yes! Yes! Yes!
#MaisSi #OrGasm #Light
In Jewish tradition, something repeated three times becomes a Chazaka, expressing completeness and a state of fact.
666, therefore, is the number of Man with a capital M: the accomplished Human who fights to unite Heaven and Earth, connects, and brings the Light.
#666 #TheKing #IAM #Coming
The names of God YHVH (26) and Elohim (86) both have gematrias ending in 6, because we must unite them: unite Masculine and Feminine, Exteriority and Interiorization, Transcendence and Immanence, Above and Below, Yeshua and Miriam…
יהוה אלהים
And they lived happily ever after and had many children…