Delivering the Sparks of Holiness

There will be peace in the Middle East when the myths of monotheistic religions stop being taken literally. Peace will come through truth. Deliverance will come through the elevation of sparks of holiness buried within religious obscurantism.


In the Talmud, it is written that God initially created man with a tail before removing it… to create the woman (see Eruvin 18a). 

“Clitoris” is called “Dagdegan” in Hebrew. 
Gematria = 64
= the gematria of Adam (45) + Eve (“Chava”, 19): 
אדם + חוה 

The word “Clitoris” comes from the Ancient Greek “Kleitorís” (κλειτορίς), meaning “Key”. 

#Tail #MonKey #G #KeyToUnderstanding 

Gematria of God’s Name YHVH = 26

We find the name YHVH in the letter Aleph, the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet. 

The letter Aleph is formed by two Yuds (two points) connected by a Vav: 

Yud + Yud + Vav 
= 10 + 10 + 6 
= 26 

The Yud above (the male sex) must unite with the Yud below (the clitoris) to form the letter Aleph, the One. 

Without the woman, a man is not truly a Man. 

#SaintJe #EvoluSion


The gematria of God’s name, YHVH, is 26: 
And the name YHVH is embedded within the structure of the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet: Aleph. 

The letter Aleph is formed by two Yuds connected by the letter Vav: 

Yud + Yud + Vav
= 10 + 10 + 6 
= 26

One Yud represents our world, the lower world; the other Yud, the upper world. During exile, when the upper and lower worlds are disconnected, Aleph becomes an “alien.” 

The full spelling of Aleph corresponds to the name Alf, an acronym for Alien Life Form.
During exile, Divine Unity seems “extraterrestrial,” foreign to Earth. Yet, every individual and every family must invite the One, the Aleph, into their home, regardless of societal judgments, the “men in black”, or the risks of defying worldly laws. 

All is Aleph. All is One, though hidden. 


The Hebrew word for “Extraterrestrial” is “Chayzar”: 
Within “Chayzar” lie the words “Chayay” (“My life”) + “Raz” (“Secret”): 
חיי רז 

“Light” (“Or” אור), “Secret” (“Raz” רז), and “Stranger” (“Zar” זר) share the same gematria: 207. 

To both receive Light and illuminate the world, one must open themselves to the stranger, the different, even the radically different. When this openness occurs, the world will hold no more secrets. 
We will then be able to build a Temple, a home for the One. 

“Iti” means “With me” in Hebrew: 

#Aleph #One #Home


The Ring-Necked Parakeet is a bird known for its colorful plumage and its ability to mimic words or phrases. It was kept as a pet in antiquity. 

YtsChak ben Shmuel HaSfaradi, a 12th-century rabbinical judge living in Cairo, wrote a commentary on the Book of Kings (accessible at Israel’s National Library among thousands of documents from the Cairo Genizah). He explains the word “Tukim” (“Parrots”) in the following verse: 

“… The king had a fleet bound for Tarshish, sailing with Hiram’s fleet, and returning every three years with a cargo of gold, silver, ivory, monkeys, and parrots.”  (Kings I 10:22)* 
כִּי אֳנִי תַרְשִׁישׁ לַמֶּלֶךְ בַּיָּם עִם אֳנִי חִירָם אַחַת לְשָׁלֹשׁ שָׁנִים תָּבוֹא אֳנִי תַרְשִׁישׁ נֹשְׂאֵת זָהָב וָכֶסֶף שֶׁנְהַבִּים וְקֹפִים וְתֻכִּיִּים 

Ytschak ben Shmuel HaSfaradi explains that “Toukim” means “Albabaj” (Arabic for parrot), 
a green bird from India capable of speaking. 

He also connects the word “Touki” to the word “Tavech” (“Middle” or “Between”), as the parrot repeats words without truly communicating, positioning itself “between”: 

But the most intriguing part comes next. In his commentary, Ytschak ben Shmuel HaSfaradi recounts what he witnessed at the home of Mevura’h ben Saadia, leader of Cairo’s Jewish community. 
There, he saw a parrot gifted by a Jew from India. The parrot had been taught numerous verses, including Psalm 145. 

Remarkably, the parrot could recite the Shema Israel, the Jewish prayer proclaiming divine unity, elongating the letter Dalet at the end as is customary. 
When pronouncing the Dalet, one must think of God reigning over the four cardinal directions… 

“HaTuki” (“The Parrot”) 
Gematria = 441
= gematria of “Emet” (“Truth”) 

The word “Emet” is formed from the letters Aleph, Mem, and Tav. 
– Aleph is the first letter of the alphabet. 
– Mem is central and represents Life. 
– Tav is the last letter. 

Parrots delight us with their amusing way of imitating us. 
Humans, however, are not angels capable of perfectly repeating the Divine Word. Humans are far from perfect, and it takes great, almost superhuman effort for the lower world to reflect the upper world. 

Yet it is precisely this human perfectibilit in divine service that brings joy to God. At the time of the Final Redemption, God will answer us, and we will realize that the Song of Man is infinitely higher than that of the angels. 

#PaireRock  #PèreRock #Perroquet #PèreOK

To find Truth, one must strive to be like a Parrot—but not blindly believe and repeat everything one hears.


When we become One with God, we draw the light of His presence: the light of the Shekhina. Our eyes are opened. 

#EyeÂme #DYeux 

People have a halo of light, an aura, surrounding their head and body, more or less radiant depending on the individual. 
Beyond this halo of light, some people have a kind of column of light above their heads, of varying size. 
While the concept of an aura is widely recognized worldwide today, the notion of a column of light is less familiar but increasingly visible. 

For some, this column can be seen reaching up to the heavens, as written in the Zohar: 
“A column of light stands between heaven and earth, resting upon the heads of the righteous who walk in the ways of the Torah.” (Zohar I 88b) 


Indeed, one can often observe this column of light above the heads of many Orthodox Jews who study Torah and perform mitzvot. However, this does not mean Orthodox Judaism holds the absolute truth. 

“The light of the Shekhina surrounded Adam in the Garden of Eden, and this divine light accompanies the children of Israel when they follow the commandments.” (Pirkei DeRabbi Eliezer, Chapter 4) 

The Light of the Shekhina emanates from within, from the heart. One may perform seemingly trivial rituals, as in Orthodox Judaism, yet possess a pure intention—something true for many. 
This light is often absent in prominent religious leaders or famous rabbis. 

The true Torah is the New Torah, and it is inclusive. The Shekhina’s light can be seen among people of all cultures and religions. One cannot deceive truth, and as Salvation approaches, this becomes increasingly apparent through the New Torah that opens our eyes. 

“Aura” is expressed in Hebrew as “Hila”. 
Classic gematria = 50 (the 50 Gates of Bina) 
Gematria AlBam (Abba / Chokhmah) = 441 
= “Emet” (“Truth”) 

“When a man is pure in his actions and thoughts, the light of the Shekhina appears above him, radiating like an eternal flame.” (Zohar I, 98a) 

“Or” means “Light” in Hebrew, and “Orah” means “Her Light.” 
Ordinal gematria = 32 
= ordinal gematria of “Hila” (“Aura”) 
= gematria of “Lev” (“Heart”) 

The Light of the Shekhina reveals the heart, the deepest interiority. 

What one is, one “will have” (“aura” in French). 

All in One

“All in One” is expressed in Hebrew as “HaKol BeE’had”
הכל באחד
Gematria AtBash (inverse values, corresponding to the sefira Bina) = 1000 (“Eleph”), which is written the same way as “Aleph” (“One”).

#AllInOne #ComprehenSion 

The Torah is said to have 70 “facets” (cf. Midrash Rabba – Numbers 13:15). Yet, the Torah is One. 

“HaKol BeE’had” (“All in One”) 
הכל באחד 
Classic gematria = 70
= gematria of “Sod” (“Secret”) 

#AllInOne #KolInOne 

The number 70 also represents the Nations (“Goyim”) according to Jewish tradition. 
All Nations exist within us. They symbolize different facets of our mind. The Final Redemption—the Salvation of Humanity—is achieved when they find peace. 

Un, car Nations.



Soma (सोम) is a sacred drink mentioned in the Vedas, originally derived from a plant said to have “descended from the heavens”. It was believed to grant immortality to the gods of the Hindu pantheon, similar to ambrosia in Greek mythology. Soma enabled Indra to slay the dragon Vritra and become king of the gods.

In the Rig Veda, Soma is associated with the Moon, symbolizing the feminine dimension, interiority, and substance.

The word “Soma” is built on the root “Su”, meaning “To press” or “To crush” (to extract juice), and the suffix “Ma”. used to form action nouns.

“You shall command the children of Israel to bring you pure olive oil, crushed for the light, to kindle the lamps continually.” (Exodus 27:20)

“Katit lamaor” (כָּתִית לַמָּאוֹר) means “Crushed for the light”, signifying that, like the olive from which oil is extracted to produce light, a soul must be “crushed”—undergo trials, shed its ego —to reveal the Divine Light within.

It is through pressure that the interiority of things is revealed: the One.

Gematria of Soma

Ordinal gematria = 39
= gematria of “YHVH Echad” (“God is One”)
יהוה אחד

Classic gematria = 111
= full gematria of the letter Aleph, the first letter of the alphabet

The word “Soma” can be linked to the Hebrew “Sam”, meaning “Medicine”, “Drug”, or “Plant”.

In France, when one is sick, they call the SAMU (Emergency medical assistance service).
“Samu” in Hebrew corresponds to “Shemo”, meaning “His Name.”

“And the Lord will be King over all the earth; on that day, the Lord will be One, and His Name will be One.” (Zechariah 14:9)
וְהָיָה יְהוָה לְמֶלֶךְ עַל כָּל הָאָרֶץ בַּיּוֹם הַהוּא יִהְיֶה יְהוָה אֶחָד וּשְׁמוֹ אֶחָד

Gematria with the kolel (+1) = 112
= gematria of the combined Names of God, YHVH (26) and Elohim (86)
יהוה אלהים

His Name is One.

The Lamb

There is a universal story buried deep in Humanity’s unconscious: the story of the Lamb. 

“Lamb” is “Taleh” in Hebrew. 
Classic gematria = 44
= gematria of “Dam”, meaning “Blood” 
Ordinal gematria = 26
= gematria of the Name of God, YHVH

Opposing forces truncate the divine archetypes within us, transforming them into fables and religions. They manipulate the universal messages arising from our collective unconscious to turn people into sheep. 

The prime example is the fable of the mythical character Jesus, the “Anus Dei”, which resulted in 2000 years of spiritual waste and obscurantism. False beliefs must be purged through the dechristianization of society for Humanity to find salvation. Jesus is the Anus Dei: a path, a passage—but one of waste. 

The True Lamb is the passage toward Light, the “Je suis” / “I AM”: the realization of the Self. 
The transition from darkness to Light is symbolized by Passover, the celebration of spring, rebirth, and the victory of life over death. 

“Passover” comes from the Latin “Pascua”, derived from the Ancient Greek “Páskha” (Πάσχα), and the Hebrew “Pessach” meaning “to pass over”.

Let us be passers. Let us be those who transcend the masses to find their own path—let us be “Hebrews”, a name that etymologically means “those who cross” or “those who pass through”. 

We must not confuse verbs: 
– The “Je suis” of the French verb “Suivre” (“To follow”).
– The “Je suis” of the verb “Être” (“To be”). 

You cannot achieve self-realization by being a follower—a sheep. 

Let’s go. 

The True JE SUIS is the Lamb, the “Taleh”. 
In French, “Talé” means “Bruised” or “Marked by blows”.

For God, the Seigneur (“Lord”, not the “Saigneur” / “Slayer”), humbles Himself in this world. He is found among the lowly, the excluded, the persecuted, the scapegoats, taking the blows. 

“Lamb”= “L’Un” (“The One” in French) + “B”, referring to the letter Beit, symbolizing interiority = the One God within. 

The word “Lamb” in English also refers to someone “Naive” (translated as “Peti” in Hebrew). 
In this world, God makes Himself “Petit” (“Small”). It’s a test. 


How do you act toward what seems weak, naive, or powerless? 
How do you treat the poor, the strangers, the sick? 
How do you celebrate the passage from darkness to Light? 
How do you treat animals? 

In our world of exile, many prefer the “Méchoui” (barbecued whole lamb) to the Mashiach. Many celebrate Passover by devouring parts of the corpse of an innocent little animal—they love rare lamb. 

For millennia, people have been led to believe that sacrificing the symbol of purity and innocence pleases the Divine—an utter inversion of values. Religions will be unveiled as tools of wolves in sheep’s clothing. 

Humanity must take the path of vegetarianism and veganism. 

Let us be “Pas Sang” (“No Blood”). 

#Passant #PasserBy

The Snow

“Oh! Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord! Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be white as snow.” (Isaiah 1:18) 
לְכוּ נָא וְנִוָּכְחָה יֹאמַר יְהוָה אִם-יִהְיוּ חֲטָאֵיכֶם כַּשָּׁנִים כַּשֶּׁלֶג יַלְבִּינוּ אִם-יַאְדִּימוּ כַתּוֹלָע כַּצֶּמֶר יִהְיוּ 

“Sheleg” (“Snow”)
Gematria = 333
= the full gematria of the letter Aleph (אלף = 111) x 3 

It is written: “King Solomon spoke 3000 parables.” (1 Kings 5:12) 

In Hebrew, “Aleph” (the One) and “Eleph” (“Thousand”) are written the same way. 

#Solomon #Slalom #Shalom 

“As the snow and rain fall from heaven and do not return without watering the earth, making it fertile and fruitful, providing seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is My word.” (Isaiah 55:10) 

“Sheleg” (“Snow”) + “Geshem” (“Rain”)
גשם + שלג 
Gematria = 676
= 26 x 26 
יהוה x יהוה 


Only one verse in the Bible has a numerical value of 676, and it is the first verse of the first chapter of the first book of Kings: 

“Now King David was old, advanced in years; and they covered him with clothes, but he could not get warm.”* (1 Kings 1:1) 
והמלך דוד זקן בא בימים ויכסהו בבגדים ולא יחם לו 

#sNow #cOLD #fROId 

Moses wore a veil to conceal the light shining from his face. 
The word appears in three consecutive verses (Exodus 34:33, 34, and 35). 

“Masveh” (“Veil”, “Mask”)
Gematria = 333

333 is the 26th truncated triangular number: 
a(n) = n*(n+1)/2 – 18 

Olaf is a snowman, and snow, which symbolizes the intermediary between earth and heaven, is connected to the concept of metaphor, of that which “covers”.

“Olaf” is a Scandinavian name derived from the Old Norse “Áleifr”, meaning “Ancestor”. 

In Hebrew, the root “Olaf” (Ayin, Lamed, Peh) means “Hidden”, “Concealed”, “Covered”, “Weary”, “Faint”. 

The letter A resembles a snowy peak. 
One who reveals the Messianic dimension, descends from Keter, from the A / Aleph. 
We descend from Aleph / the Alps in a zigzag, slaloming through the sefirot. There is no Aleph without Slalom / Shalom. 


The Temple resides in the Alephs. 


In Hebrew, “Aluf” refers to someone exalted and can be translated as “Chief”, “Champion”, or “Captain”.

The Indo-European root “Alp” signifies “Height” or “Mountain.” It appears in words denoting something large or elevated, such as the name of Mount Olympus or the Alps, with their vast pastures. The letter Aleph originally depicted an ox’s head, symbolizing strength and grandeur.

The Indo-European root “Alb”, a cousin of “Alp”, means “White”. It is found in the Latin “Albus” or in the name “Albion”, the ancient Celtic name for Great Britain, derived from the white cliffs along its southern coast.

“Atik”, as in “Atik Yomin” (Ancient of Days), refers to a Partsuf, or “face” of God. Atik is the highest partsuf, corresponding to the sefira Keter (Crown). From Atik comes the Mashiach, who elevates the lowliest to the highest.

“As I continued to watch, thrones were set in place, and the Ancient of Days (Atik Yomin) took His seat. His clothing was white as snow…” (Daniel 7:9)

The highest Partsuf is called Atik.
Atik derives from the verb “Lehaatik”, which means “To Reproduce,” as its role is to transmit the Light of the Ein Sof (Infinite Light) to the lower worlds.

Similarly, Aleph—whose root Aleph-Lamed-Pe—can also mean “To Learn”, “To Associate With”, “To Copy” or “To Reproduce” (see Job 33:33, Proverbs 22:25).


“By what was the earth created? By the snow beneath the Throne of Glory, as it is written in Job 37:6: ‘He says to the snow: Be the earth.’ This snow is, in fact, a ‘garment of divinity,’ as it is written in Daniel 7:9: ‘From this garment emerges light, which is the light of the Torah.’” (Pirkei DeRabbi Eliezer, ch. 3) 

Yodeling is a traditional chant of the Alephs, echoing the name of God: “Yahoo!” 

#Yod #El #Yodel #Alps 

The word “Crystal” comes from the Latin “Crystallus” (“Frozen Water”, “Ice”), derived from the Ancient Greek κρύσταλλος (Krústallos, “Ice”), itself from κρύος (Krúos, “Frost”). 

Crystallization is a Unitary operation: the highest levels of the soul take form. 


“The commanders of the army, the officers of thousands and officers of hundreds, approached Moses.” (Numbers 31:48) 
וַיִּקְרְבוּ אֶל מֹשֶׁה הַפְּקֻדִים אֲשֶׁר לְאַלְפֵי הַצָּבָא שָׂרֵי הָאֲלָפִים וְשָׂרֵי הַמֵּאוֹת 
Gematria of the verse = 3333

#Eleph #Aleph 

“The soul of man is the lamp of God, searching all the inner depths of the heart.” (Proverbs 20:27) 

“In the depths of the heart”
כָּל חַדְרֵי בָטֶן 
Gematria = 333

“In Your name, my heart says: Seek My face! Your face, Lord, I will seek.” (Psalms 27:8) 

“In Your name, my heart says”
לְךָ אָמַר לִבִּי 
Gematria = 333

“Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh” (“I will be who I will be,” Exodus 3:14) 
אהיה אשר אהיה 
Initials = Aleph Aleph Aleph 

Jesus Mary Joseph!

The Torah, New Testament, and Quran are collections of tales, myths and legends.
Most of religious leaders are wolves disguised as lambs.
Let us find the light of God in this Shadow.

“Time” as in “Once upon a time” is “Fois” in French which sounds exactly like “Foi” (“Faith”).

Il était une FOI…

ONE upon a time…

Many literary creations featuring a Jewish superhero named Yeshua, aka Jesus, were produced around 2000 years ago, but only the four canonical Gospels achieved the fame we know today. 

The Gospel writers created characters inspired by both real and imaginary figures. 
For example,  John the Baptist draws inspiration from a “baptizer” similar to the Banos mentioned by Flavius Josephus. 

Among the real figures used to construct the Jesus myth are Judas of Galilee and his crucified sons, the false messiahs mentioned by Flavius Josephus, the healer Yeshua ben Stada/Pantera, Apollonius of Tyana, Shimon Bar Kokhba, etc. 

Among the imaginary figures inspiring Jesus are Osiris, Dionysus, Mithras, Tammuz, Attis, and others. 

Gematria of God’s Name YHVH = 26


In Judeo-Christian mythology, Miriam (Mary) is the consort of Yeshua (Jesus). 

“Yeshua Miriam” (“Jesus Mary”) 
ישוע מרים 
Gematria = 676
26 x 26   

“Yeshua Miriam Yosef” (“Jesus Mary Joseph”) 
ישוע מרים יוסף 
Gematria = 832

Only one verse in the Torah has a gematria of 832: 
“The LORD is a warrior; the LORD is His Name!” (Exodus 15:3) 
יהוה איש מלחמה יהוה שמו 

“Lechem” (“Bread”) and “Milchamah” (“War”) share the same root in Hebrew. They are both connected to eternal life.

Bread also metaphorically refers to sex (Talmud Sanhedrin 75a, Yevamot 37b, Shabbat 140b, etc.). 

Make love, not war! 

#WarBread #BeitLechem 

The fictional character of Yeshua symbolizes in Kabbalah the partsuf Zeir Anpin, the Small Face, the “impatient knight” who fights to free the Princess, the Shechinah (Divine Presence). Yeshua/Zeir Anpin is the letter Vav, the blade of the sword: 

“The sword of the Holy One, blessed be He, is formed from the Tetragrammaton: the Yod is the hilt, the Vav the blade, and the two Hehs the two edges.” (Zohar III, 274b) 

For 2000 years, the spirit of Satan has said: “I did not come to bring peace, but the sword.”
In truth, the Mashiach, the true Messiah, will bring both peace AND the sword: the word “Shalom” (“Peace”) in Hebrew is one of God’s names, as is the word “Sword”.

“The sword of the Holy One, blessed be He, is formed from the Tetragrammaton: the Yod is the hilt, the Vav the blade, and the two Hehs the two edges.” (Zohar III, 274b)

When we wage war against our negative traits and improve ourselves, Yeshua/Zeir Anpin shines, becoming the “Light of the World”.

“Or HaOlam” (“The Light of the World”) 
אור העולם 
Gematria = 358
= gematria of “Mashiach” (“Messiah”) 

According to the Bible, Adam, the Man, was created on the 6th day. 

The number 6, like the number of days of Creation before the Shabbat, represents Materialization. 

Six is the letter Vav, the 6th letter of the Hebrew alphabet. The Vavim are the hooks used in the Temple. The letter Vav serves as a conjunction (“And”) and links words together. 

Six is Yesod, the sefira corresponding to Sex and to Yossef (Joseph). 

Gematria = 156
= YHVH (26) x 6 

#Tsadick #ZyunInZion

“If we…” is “Im anachnu…” in Hebrew (“Si on” in French).
אם אנחנו 
Gematria = 156
= gematria of “Tsion” (“Zion”) 

Si on…

Yes Oui Ken! 

(“Ken” means “Yes” in Hebrew.) 

At the Salvation of Humanity, we will all revel in the Divine Presence revealed within us. 

Yes! Yes! Yes! 

#MaisSi #OrGasm #Light 

In Jewish tradition, something repeated three times becomes a Chazaka, expressing completeness and a state of fact. 

666, therefore, is the number of Man with a capital M: the accomplished Human who fights to unite Heaven and Earth, connects, and brings the Light. 

#666 #TheKing #IAM #Coming 

The names of God YHVH (26) and Elohim (86) both have gematrias ending in 6, because we must unite them: unite Masculine and Feminine, Exteriority and Interiorization, Transcendence and Immanence, Above and Below, Yeshua and Miriam… 
יהוה אלהים 

And they lived happily ever after and had many children…